Blue Tongue and More


Well-known member
May 16, 2020
Blue tongue is back (never left) in Eastern Washington and Idaho, but is there anything we can do or should do? The whitetail herd I hunt was was barely recovering from the last outbreak, and now we are in the midst of as hot and dry summer as I can remember. The South Fork of the Palouse is a trickle. I’m wondering if I should pass on hunting it this year?
Freaking Blue Tongue
The farm I live on in Easter Washington gets hit hard with Blue tounge every 3 or 4 years. It’s a terrible deal and I don’t think we can do a thing about it, except maybe being more picky on the deer we decide to hunt.
It’s been a few years, and I’ve let it sit. I may go down and scout soon. I guess you could spend a fortune to drill a guzzler up away from the rivers to spread the deer out and keep them away from the swarms. I prefer hunting mulies out in the scablands anyway.