Caribou Gear



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Nov 9, 2013
Okay quick question, i went and scouted for goats this weekend. Needless to say it was productive. Only question I have is coming out I got a blister on the bottom of my foot. Just my left foot. Boots are broke in and I have custom orthotics. Tips or tricks. It was a 3000’ drop in elevation all the way out. Didn’t have a problem going in. Thanks!!
Hmm maybe your boot was a little too loose and your foot was sliding a little bit on the way down? A little moleskin or duct tape should alleviate any hotspots.
Leuko tape likely works very well, but JLS is more cultured than myself. :D I just put a few wraps of gorilla tape around my Nalgene bottles if I have any issues.
I tend to only get blisters hiking in the summer. With the higher temps my feet sweat a lot more thereby sliding around more in steep terrain. Maybe take a few more breaks with socks off to dry your feet out.
I tend to only get blisters hiking in the summer. With the higher temps my feet sweat a lot more thereby sliding around more in steep terrain. Maybe take a few more breaks with socks off to dry your feet out.
Same, keep feet from sweating and it's hard for blisters to form
If you catch the hotspots early moleskin will do the trick. I have had countless boot problems my whole lif and have actuall lost five toenails since last oct. I am actually considering having my toenails permanently removed because it is such a chronic problem. Any ideas in how to solve this problem? My left foot is half a size bigger than my right and I have high arches and wide feet. I have tried orthotics and they actually made it worse. Sorry to change the topic but I am desperate.
If you catch the hotspots early moleskin will do the trick. I have had countless boot problems my whole lif and have actuall lost five toenails since last oct. I am actually considering having my toenails permanently removed because it is such a chronic problem. Any ideas in how to solve this problem? My left foot is half a size bigger than my right and I have high arches and wide feet. I have tried orthotics and they actually made it worse. Sorry to change the topic but I am desperate.

I've never had the issue in hiking boots but it's a constant think with ski boots. I usually lose a couple nails each season. Typically big toe.

Usually skiing (for me) it happens jumping. I back slap and slam my toes into the front of my boots. You can some what mitigate this by boot sizing, a super tight boot where your toe is pressing the front of your boot when standing straight up and just touching when your knees are bent is going to minimize travel and nail loss.

I'm not sure if the same applies in hiking boots. That being said I prefer a much tighter fitting hiking boot than running shoe.

If you already have pretty tight fitting boots you might want to look at boots with a different foot shape. Altra makes a super wide foot box running shoe, perhaps you can find a company that has a similar profile for boots.
I second the sock liners, something like the injinji socks work well. Also, if you do get a blister, Compeed blister patches work wonders.
I've never had the issue in hiking boots but it's a constant think with ski boots. I usually lose a couple nails each season. Typically big toe.

Usually skiing (for me) it happens jumping. I back slap and slam my toes into the front of my boots. You can some what mitigate this by boot sizing, a super tight boot where your toe is pressing the front of your boot when standing straight up and just touching when your knees are bent is going to minimize travel and nail loss.

I'm not sure if the same applies in hiking boots. That being said I prefer a much tighter fitting hiking boot than running shoe.

If you already have pretty tight fitting boots you might want to look at boots with a different foot shape. Altra makes a super wide foot box running shoe, perhaps you can find a company that has a similar profile for boots.

+2 on this one. I usually loose at least 2 toenails per year - mainly because my tele boots have toe pinch and I'm too cheap to buy new boots. I did loose 9 one year after the Ridge Run in Bozeman... but I usually don't have issues from just hiking boots. It's nice when you don't have to cut your toenails - so I don't mind at all.

If you can create more room at the front of the boot that should help alleviate the spots. I'll lace up my boots so they are tighter around the backside of the ball of my foot, and snug over my arch.
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