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Best bino harness and why


Active member
Jan 26, 2022
I have a badlands bino harness and want something that offers more storage, 10/42 binos. Like the magnetic but it is noisey. Also little storage...Overlap flap to protect and opens from the rear is where Im leaning. Want something non velcro as well...
I like the Solo Hunter harness I have, 10 x 42's Canon IS fit nicely in the Large pouch. Great service there too, bought the smaller size pouch and realized mine wouldn't fit. They exchanged the pouch for free, think I paid for shipping there.
I love my marsupial. It has magnetic closures too but I don’t think they are noisy. They also make non-magnetic harnesses now. I also got the buckle deletes for the top buckles so it sits high up on my chest like I want it to as I am a skinny guy. The pouch opens the correct way (away from your body). They are made in USA too.

I also have the range finder pouch and bear spray holder. Both of which are just as well built and designed as bino holder.

IDK if it will have more room than your badlands but they make a bunch of accessory packs and you can prly piece together a system to fit your exact needs.
Another vote for marsupial, they are also coming out with a pouch that attaches to the bottom of the harness so plenty of options to setup storage how you want it.
The only complaint I have about the Marsupial is that the magnets are strong enough to interfere with analog compass use. Other than that, it’s the perfect harness.

You’re gonna want the buckle delete kit.

I also use their bear spray holder below the binos, their rangefinder holder to my right of the binos, and their little extra storage pocket thing to my left for calls, extra ammo, or whatever I might want to have at hand quick.
Marsupial for me. I like how compact it is so your need for more storage might toss it out for an option. With the different pouches and packs they sell, you should be able to find something that suits you. You could always find accessories from different brands and mix/match until you’re happy too.
I like my fhf harness. They're releasing a new one with a closure similar to marsupial.
The FHF harnesses look really really nice, with a ton of add ons that you can interchange. Idk how the pockets are though. I use a marsupial and i do like the magnets, the material and the fit, but I don’t like that if the main pocket is unbuttoned, the binos will fall out when you bend over to pick the stick outta your laces or to wipe your ass 🤣

My BIL has the Sitka harness and the pouch latches from the back-forward helping to prevent this ive noticed
Totally just my opinion, I have the FHF with the range finder attachment. It works, but I hate the latch attachment for the rangefinder pouch, just does not feel secure to me. Also the buckles to strap the whole harness want to slide off the strap, in fact one of them came off completely last time I was hunting over thanksgiving and I went the rest of the trip with just one side buckled.

To be honest, overall I don’t think it’s worth the money that they charge you. It’s better than the set up vortex gives you for example, but it’s not worth the coin to me.
I love my bino bro by Oregon Pack Works. Opens outward (the correct way), noiseless, simple/lightweight, and weather proof.
I know that Outdoor Research isn’t. Odd shape for the second gen and the first gen is floppy. It’s good for the price but I’d be interested in a new one.
I don't think there is a best. It's like boots and packs. Get what fits what you do. I like the AGC I have. The simplest one. Just a bino pouch, nothing else. mtmuley
I like my fhf harness. They're releasing a new one with a closure similar to marsupial.
I like the look of this new FHF one.
I have Marsupial in both the original and new fully closed one. I have a pistol holster on the bottom, ranger finder on the right and extra side pouch for chapstick, knife and lighter on the left side. It has a couple pockets for diaphram calls etc in it. Quality build, quick shipping, tons of color options and so forth.
Marsupial is supposedly working on an update to their non magnetic fully enclosed case, I’m holding off purchasing a new harness until I see it
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