Backpack Tent


Jul 19, 2009
Hello all. I'm looking into a tent for backpack hunting. Most of my hunts range from September to the first week of November. I know snow can fall at any time in the high country and was wondering if anyone has used the Big Agnes- Fly Creek HV UL1 tent? I'm not 100% locked into this tent but the price point is very appealing at $330. I was just wondering if this tent will hold up to a good snow fall in the high country? Any info or other recommendations would be greatly appreciated as well.
I've used the non HV version in utah, Wyoming and Alaska. It will hold up to most snow but if it is heavy and weight you'll need to shake it off a couple times a night.
I would strongly suggest the 2 man. That's what I have and it's still cozy in my opinion.
My Copper Spur has held to up snow, but this one was pretty dry. GuNR and I both fit in the CS1, but I would also recommend the two person.
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The pole arrangement on the Copper Spur is more stable. For a shoulder season tent I'd way rather have it than the Fly Creek.
I haven't used the Fly Creek, but I can second the Copper Spurs. Great tents.
Had a Fly Creek. Lasted exactly one night in the Florida Mtns of New Mexico. Wind and snow storm snapped the pole(s) and ripped all the stake seams. Not exactly a fair test. More like a torture test. But needless to say it was returned to REI.

The look on the hippy’s face was priceless when she inspected the damage. She had never seen that kind of damage on the tent. She asked what I did to it. I just said “it wasn’t going to meet my needs”.
I will throw a third vote in for the copper spur. I have a 3p for 2 of us and it's perfect. Has withstood some good heavy snow and some bad winds.
Thank you guys for the recommendations. From what I’ve read on the World Wide Web the copper spur has come up a lot.
I'll second the copper spur, i have the HV model which is my goto tent
I have the fly creek hv ul2, and love it. It has withstood plenty of abuse and hasn’t had any issues yet. My only gripe is that the door is at the head of the tent, which is a bit of a pain in the backside when you’re dirty/wet. Overall though, really good tent. I would second the recommendation of the 2-man. The weight increase isn’t much, and the extra space is well worth it. does not have a rating on the tent you are looking at but has where the best price can be found for the tent you are looking at.

I use for all my gear reviews on camping equipment and where to find the best price where to purchase.

No I do not have any affiliation with this company, but they are a good source for camping gear reviews.
I have the fly creek hv ul2, and love it. It has withstood plenty of abuse and hasn’t had any issues yet. My only gripe is that the door is at the head of the tent, which is a bit of a pain in the backside when you’re dirty/wet. Overall though, really good tent. I would second the recommendation of the 2-man. The weight increase isn’t much, and the extra space is well worth it.
Ok thank you on the 2 man recommendation! I was questioning if I wanted to carry the extra weight. Is the reasoning for the 2 man just extra room?
Yes, the 2 man will give you some extra room. This extra space allows more comfort and organization of items in the tent. There are times when the tent becomes a shelter in bad weather and you could be spending some significant time in it. The extra space makes those tough times much more bearable.
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