Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

AZ Stink Pig


New member
Nov 30, 2005
My buddy and I filled our archery javelina tags opening morning. This herd had been feeding in the flats the last couple of days and of course once the season opened they decided to travel up hill.

If you've never had the opportunity to stand in the middle of a herd of javelina after blowing a distress call, you need to. It's a blast but can make you shat yourself:eek:

Hopefully our deer rut will start soon in the desert and we can get close enough to one of the muleys we've been watching.
Good job, I busted my arse all day yesterday. All that I saw, was a little mule deer buck and javelina tracks.............
Nice work Basser. Now I can put a face to the guy I kinda ran into in Phoenix.:D
Wish I would have applied this year, but missed the deadline. After spending some time down there this Christmas I am once again thinking about a trip for next January.
Thanks for the share.
Nice little piggies, I really enjoy hunting the javelina with a bow or a handgun. I called a bunch right up to us a couple of years ago, it was great. Really gets the blood circulating.

If you don't mind me asking, what zone?
mtmiller...if you make it down this way next year give me a heads up and we can officially meet and go shoot something.

camo...we shot them in the the southern units.
You have a deal. I can only play so many of rounds of golf with the family. I am thinking next year I will show up later and spend some time there in Jan. instead.
There's usually some leftover archery pig tags, quail is open till the first part of February, but I've heard there's no ducks in the desert...
Basser said:
There's usually some leftover archery pig tags, quail is open till the first part of February, but I've heard there's no ducks in the desert...

No worries, I get my fill of ducks up here...pigs and quail, not so much.:D BTW, I have been known to chase deer once in a while as well.:D

I drove up to Tortilla Flat and Apache one day. Sweet country. I would love to check that stuff out a little closer if there are any critters in there.:)

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