Yeti GOBOX Collection

AZ hunter ed point


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2014
Thinking of flying to AZ to get my hunter ed point before the January draw. From what I understand you can take part of it online then travel to AZ to do the field portion within 3 months of passing the online portion. Has anyone done this and have any pointers.
Thinking of flying to AZ to get my hunter ed point before the January draw. From what I understand you can take part of it online then travel to AZ to do the field portion within 3 months of passing the online portion. Has anyone done this and have any pointers.
my wife and I did it a couple years ago. it was no big deal, studied online a little to get ready. then drove to range near Bisbee to take the test. field test then a written test. well worth it to get the permanent bonus point for all species.
I did it as well really enjoyed the field, day met some really nice folks. Field day also involves a quiz at the end that you must pass.
Do Don Martin’s class in Kingman at the beginning of January. Easy peasy and you don’t need to mess around with any online stuff. Cheap flights to Vegas and a short drive from there. It was a great experience. Your point will count for the elk draw next year if you take his January class.
Do Don Martin’s class in Kingman at the beginning of January. Easy peasy and you don’t need to mess around with any online stuff. Cheap flights to Vegas and a short drive from there. It was a great experience. Your point will count for the elk draw next year if you take his January class.

What do you need to have for the class the day of other than yourself?
Do Don Martin’s class in Kingman at the beginning of January. Easy peasy and you don’t need to mess around with any online stuff. Cheap flights to Vegas and a short drive from there. It was a great experience. Your point will count for the elk draw next year if you take his January class.

it maybe different now but two years ago you had to take the online course and the field day
it maybe different now but two years ago you had to take the online course and the field day

Not if you take Don's class. You only need to send him a copy of your Hunter's Ed certificate from another state and he'll sign you up as long as there is room in the class. You don't need to bring anything with the day of except maybe a note pad and a pen. You will spend a couple hours going over the material that will cover the exam, and then practice shooting some toy guns. After that you'll take the test and likely get 100% of the answers correct. For the remainder of your class you'll discuss Arizona wildlife, hunting opportunities, and tell hunting stories. We got out early because we had a small class and I had time to check out the Hoover Dam and Vegas strip quick before my flight home that night. Any other class and you'll have to take the online course and do the official field day.
Not if you take Don's class. You only need to send him a copy of your Hunter's Ed certificate from another state and he'll sign you up as long as there is room in the class. You don't need to bring anything with the day of except maybe a note pad and a pen. You will spend a couple hours going over the material that will cover the exam, and then practice shooting some toy guns. After that you'll take the test and likely get 100% of the answers correct. For the remainder of your class you'll discuss Arizona wildlife, hunting opportunities, and tell hunting stories. We got out early because we had a small class and I had time to check out the Hoover Dam and Vegas strip quick before my flight home that night. Any other class and you'll have to take the online course and do the official field day.

Do you have any contact info for him? I've thought about trying to make a trip out with my wife after Christmas for taking the course but haven't found any dates that far in advance.
I need to do this also have 20 pts and still not drawing. If you would pass this info on to me also. Thanks Jim Burger
No Wiser, can you send me a pm with the info too? Is it usually during the week or on a Saturday? Thanks
They do have an adult class just for the bonus point. You do the online course and then have about an hour in class work. You shoot some .22s, have a little discussion about hunting ethics and then take the test. Pretty easy, takes about an hr. They know why you are there. Problem is finding an open class. You can register online for different locations but their schedule is usually only a month out.
You don't need anything extra. Just show up, if its summer time maybe a hat, some sunscreen, and water. They provide everything else you need. You take a basic test then do the field exercise which involves shooting some .22, basic firearm safety, target identification, and shoot/dont shoot scenarios. Simple and basic. The hardest part is making the trip.
Thanks for all the information. I have heard good things about Don's class when is it usually available to sign up for the January class?