Avoid user bobbydneuman

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Not sure if he did it himself or his email was hacked, but he emailed Mrs. Fin with registration questions. She replied with her OYOA email and he proceeded to email her a bunch of pictures of his junk at full mast. Maybe he is related to Congressman Anthony Weiner.

If I get my hands on him, he will hope he is related to an ER doctor. He will need it.

It is sickos like him that keep me from doing live hunt threads that make it obvious I am on the road.

If you replied to any of his posts on the classifieds, I would suggest you not email with him. He has been deleted.
Figgered he was a dipshit tool trying to sell chit on 3 year old threads.....I was right. Sick sob.
Yep, thought something was funny when he was bumping three year old threads in the classifieds after the guy already posted they were sold. Only takes 1 rotten apple.
Sorry for Mrs Fin's experience there, and thanks for the swift action and making us all aware. This is the only "social media" I really participate in, shady characters like that being one reason. Thank you for keeping this community trash-free. Greatly appreciated!
Just got off the phone with Bobby D Neuman in Cleveland, Ohio. Dumbass thought I wouldn't be able to track him down. He claims there is no explanation of how that email got sent to Mrs. Fin. He did apologize for the email, but kept saying, "I have no idea how that went to her."

Mrs. Fin's brother and very large nephew live less than four miles from the guy, west of Cleveland. If I told them the story, the dude would have some serious physical ailments to go with his mental problems.

Will be emailing the Cuyahoga County DA on Monday. They might want to check the dude's computer and see what kind of pedophile activity is going on with that nut case. Based on the spaced out manner in which he talked, I'm not at all convinced this was an email hijack.
That's sicko! That's keeping us informed Randy. Sorry Mrs. Fin had to see that crap! The bum would would be griz bait!
Bet he was surprised when you contacted him! What a ---------------!

Exactly. He stammered and stuttered a lot when I told him it was me on this phone. I had sent him an email just prior to the phone call, informing him of my displeasure.
Wish I could've been a fly on the wall in both rooms on that call. Sorry you and Mrs. fin are having to deal with this.
I would deffenatly be contacting the athourites, he needs to be held accountable for his choices. Wouldn't be surprised if he has done this to other women before. And will continue to do this to others if he is not stopped, this ASS CLOWN needs to be sent away for a long vacation in the OLD STONEY LONESOME
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What an idiot! So, he decides to send a photo(s) of his junk to a woman who's husband is known to be able to hunt and track down his quarry in the most difficult situations and areas. And is so good, he even has a tv show! So good that once he finishes skinning his quarry, he sits back and enjoys a DQ Blizzard while cleaning off his knife! Yep, that's an idiot!
He must have not watched your gutless method video!:eek: If so, he would have thought twice!