As per previous offers, is there still any interest in a UK deer hunt?

devon deer

Well-known member
Aug 25, 2011
Devon, England
DaveN and Sawtooth managed to get a Roe Buck (or two!) when they were drawn out of the hat, Mixedbag will be joining me in 2018, he will be leaving it a little later in the season so he gets a chance of Roe, Fallow or Red Stag.
For those that are not aware, all i request is a $250 donation to either the BHA, or from this year the RMEF, it is a good deal, you get to go hunting for 4 days straight, it could cost a few thousand dollars if you paid an outfitter.

My question, is there still an interest in this?
Who know's what the future holds, but i see no reason why i couldn't offer this again for 2019, it seems a long way off, but time flies, just testing the water at this stage.

Of course if i get eaten by a grizz in 2018 when i (hopefully) return to Montana all bets are off!


I would be interested. My wife was an raised until she was 13 in Europe. She has always wanted to go back and take our kids. In 2019 they would be about the right age to remember such a great adventure. I would be honored if you put my name in the hat.
That's a great offer and thank you for being so generous! I can't afford to fly across the pond to hunt, back in my USAF days I would have jumped all over it, but not now. However, if you wanted to come to northern NY for a whitetail, blackbear, coyote, bobcat, rabbit, upland bird, or turkey hunt, I can hook you up with a place to stay. Give you access to 800 acres of private land to hunt and show you millions of acres of state land where anyone can hunt. All it would cost you is your air fair, transport here, license about 100 us dollars, food, drink...
Im definitely interested! We are already planning to hop over there in the next few years anyway to tour around so no reason I couldnt hunt while there.
My wife would be over the moon to take a trip out of the country AND have a chance at a buck that we can't get at home. Please put us in the lottery!
This is a great offer guys. If you can make this happen, it would be a trip of a lifetime. Like Addicting stated above, it would be a great experience for your family. Hunts take place early and late in the day, leaving time during the middle of the day to explore Exeter, the Jurassic Coast, and other locations in Devon and Cornwall. My wife, daughter, and I had a great time exploring England and Ireland this summer and Richard was a great host while we were in Devon. Here is the thread about this adventure.
OK, names are in the hat, i will resurrect this thread in a few months, see if there is more interest to give everyone a fair chance and make the draw.
I'm self employed so I don't have anything to impede me going. I have a history of traveling to hunt DIY; New Zealand, Alaska, Hawaii, so I wouldn't bail on plans. Please put my name in your hat, thank you.
Hi Richard, is still be interested. i love to travel and would enjoy seeing the country over there. Please add my name to the pile. Thanks
OK, names are in the hat, i will resurrect this thread in a few months, see if there is more interest to give everyone a fair chance and make the draw.
Is there a minimum hunting age in the UK? I have a couple of boys that I would gladly let have my spot if I was the drawn name if that would be legal and permissible by you.
Is there a minimum hunting age in the UK? I have a couple of boys that I would gladly let have my spot if I was the drawn name if that would be legal and permissible by you.
18 years old, but i can't take 2 people out at the same time, sorry.
Love to have my name thrown in the hat as well! My wife and I love visiting the UK
That's a great offer. Sounds like an awesome adventure. Please put my name in the hat too!!!
Pick me! Pick me! We'll actually be in the UK that summer for my wife's 50th and to spread her grandmothers ashes. In a weird twist of coincidence, both our families emigrated from Derbyshire so we'll be retracing some ancestral steps during our visit.
I've always wanted to go after Chinese Water Deer, Roe's and Muntjac. I'm in the UK at least 3 times a year either with work or visiting family but I haven't rifle hunted in years. You would think for safety reason they would allow bowhunting.
Put me in the hat. My wife spent some of her early teen years over there with her dad in the Air Force. I know she'd be on board to go.
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