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Anyone else for antelope?

I hope you do well, I didn't put in for it this year, for the last 2 years I get the tags and am so busy running the mountains where the elk and deer are that I havent had a chance to use it, so decided to wait till next year, now watch, I will probably have lots of time for them this year..LOL..
I drew a unit that is 100% with my brother and a friend. Mostly all private with a coupe of small patches that hold lopes. We will all tag, but I doubtit will be anything to brag about......I will tag last after I guide them to their first ever lopes. Probably a pile of 12-inchers will be in our near future
...Pug will be proud of me
If so, it would only be in units dominated by private lands. Most units run about 30-40% odds that have reasonable access.
I usually hunt a unit near laramie that goes undersubscribed during the draw. I havent checked to see if that is the case this year yet or not. My grandfather lives in Cheyenne, and knows several landowners that are practically begging people to take some lopes off of thier ground. However he is trying to sell his place so I dont know if he will be there in Sept or not. It is alot like what DS says, lots of 12-14 inchers. If you are interested, 1ptr check units 44 or 45.

I drew 107 up on South Pass. It's a pistol/muzzleloader so it's not an easy hunt. I don't have a muzzleloader so I be using pistol only.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-03-2003 06:33: Message edited by: wyote ]</font>
Thanks DS and WH. A 12-14 incher wouldn't bother me as I've never hunted them before!
i put in with del and danni for arizona. i will know in a feww weeks about that.if not it will still be on my wish lust next year.
Never hunted for antelope or eaten one... but I heard tell when you do go hunt them take lots of ammo!! I might like to try it one day...

I also heard they aren't fit to eat even if you shoot them and they fall over in your cooler. Had a buddy who shot one and his hounds wouldn't even eat it. Now that's some foul stuff if a dog won't eat it.

Given the choice between antelope and Olive Garden, I might actually have to take Olive Garden based on what I've heard about those Wyoming goats.
I dont know why theres so many "antelope arent fit to eat" rumors out there.

I like them better than deer and prefer antelope steak over elk steak. Elk are good for burger, antelope are good for steak, and deer are great for jerky and sausage, IMO.

I'll be killing a few antelope this year and enjoying eating them too.
Antelope is good eating. I don't know why it gets such a bad rap. Must be guys driving around with them in the back of the truck for half a day before dressing them out.
Goats can be really good or really bad. If your running an old buck around and finally down him, then let him lay in the back of your pickup in 70 degree weather for 4 or 5 hours and truck him home catching bugs for 200 miles. Then yes, it's not going to taste real good.
We hear the same thing about our deer down here.....same as above. Killem in front of dogs, let them ride around in the truck on a warm day and wonder whats wrong with the taste.......
Antelope can be the best piece of venison by far.

I do know if you shoot an old buck in the leg during the rut when the temperature is about 90 degrees out and you have to chase him around for few hours before you kill him.. the meat aint so good.

My dogs really appreciated one such antelope from which I couldn't even bring myself to eat the burger from. But almost every other antelope has been better eating than any grainfed whitetail I've taken.
I suppose there will always be a minority that will say they love antelope... hell, there are people out there who don't eat any meat at all if you can believe that.

But as for me, I'll stick with my elk, occasional bison and BEEF... it's whats for dinner!!

When I hear 100 people tell me they had to lick a skunks butt to get the taste of antelope out of their mouth... and then 5 people tell me they love it and it's delicious... sorry but I'm going with the majority on that one.

I'd like to try it myself sometime if I could ever draw a tag, but I know that won't happen. The odds are better that Al Gore will re-invent the internet.
Well, HoundDawg - don't take this wrong, but so far you are the only one on here that says antelope doesn't taste good, and you've never tried it. Kill an antelope quick, get the meat cooled off quick and it's delicious. Look who is telling you it's good and look at who's telling you it stinks... 100 idiots are still idiots, democracy or not.

Besides, how many of them are going to tell you that they botched the shot and the buck ran forever, or that they didn't dress the antelope right away?
I guess I should clarify what I meant a little bit. Yes, 8 or 10 people have stepped up on this site and said they love antelope.

But for most of my life, all I've ever heard was how lousy antelope was, and a number of these people are diehard antelope hunters that go to Wyoming every year.

So yes, I agree with you that most on this site have come forward in favor of antelope. But based on what I've heard in the local hunting cirlces here, you line up 1,000 hunters and ask them how many of them would like a freezer full of antelope meat, you aren't going to get many takers. I could be wrong on that...

But I'll be honest, I know a bunch of people that hunt antelope religiously but I've never known any of them to actually eat them. This site is the first I've ever really heard of people eating them and loving them.

But again, I have never tried it so maybe I'm really missing the boat here. But on any given site I can find 10 guys who are just as passionate about eating bear meat and claim it has no rival.

But let's face it, the vast majority will not buy into this. I just wonder if that's kind of how antelope is. I dunno.

I hear they are sure fun to hunt but wouldn't know about that either. I do know they'll give a trashy hound dog a helluva race, as per my buddy in Arizona.
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