Any one got any nice Elk tattoo ideas..?


New member
Nov 30, 2004
Grants New Mexico
Hey how is everyone. Just wondering if any one had any nice ideas for an Elk Tattoo. I drew one up but would like to see if anyone else might have any ideas.. I would greatly appreciate some ideas Thanks. :cool:

Oh here is my drawing let me know what ya think.


  • My elk drawing.jpg
    My elk drawing.jpg
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Nice. The pic has really good balance. Where are you going to put it?
muzzelk......I can't draw, but here is an idea of one of the neatest elk tattoos that I have seen.....and really unique. It was an outline of a spike elk skull with the antlers going up the front and the back of the shoulder when viewed sideways on the arm with the top of the skull starting just below the ball of the shoulder and extending to the tip of the jaw bone above the need to be muscled up for this one though.....a tough ass Native Indian Marine had this tattoo on his left arm.....have never seen anything like it since......the skull bones were shaded in outline....not a straight line would take a real artisit to replicate......anyway, an idea for you to play with.
I like the head of it, but I would just sleave it with the cape. Dont put the shoulders on it because it will look like you are going to eventually get the whole elk and you are just saving money and getting it done in sections. Its a good drawing, exactly what I was going to suggest, but I would make the back side of the antlers stand up a little higher, or else they will look lopsided and off balanced once it becomes at tattoo.

It is a very good drawing. I would do what OL suggest, with taking the antlers back more and whtever else she said. Oh and she instead of cape she meant the mane part. You also put a date or something like that into the blank part of it so it will look complete.
Quick Draw
I say get a LOGO Tatooed insted , Send me the bill :D

I know a lady that has a Ring of Elk Antlers Tatooed around her Ankle . Ones off of BIG ARSE Elk her Hubby kilt. Maybe I can Get a Picture of it and posted sometime.

On the Elk you drew, I like it. Looks good !!!
Still looking for some more ideas..

Please help I need some more ideas. Or some pics of elk so i can make up my mind on a tattoo. Any ideas would really help. Thanks.. :cool:
I think what my sister meant was if you didnt stop your drawing at the base of the mane, where the shoulder starts, put a date, or name, or something. What would be a really simple way to find something you like is just go to the website for a tattoo parlor. Do an MSN search or even google it and you should find something. You might even try something tribal. OR go to a car decal dealer, and find something that you like, get it printed, and then redraw it with some minor changes. Just for some help!!!

That is cool Muzz elk, but I think an awesome tattoo would be the RMEF logo. I love that logo, regardless of what it stands for (and yeah, I am a member, but do have issues now and again!)

Here it is on a pumpkin this year!
Muzzelk do you Primos calls at all????? YOu could get the "speak the language" elk head done that looks pretty cool.
Quick Draw
Moosie, when that woman's husband divorced her, she had the elk antlers on her ankle covered over with flames.. Then, she pierced her face, nipples, and several more below there. And got another tat below her belly button. Those are just the ones I know of... probably some more. Yucky.
Good rendering. Another good tat would be of a bull with his head lowered and ears back.
Just be careful of the tat artist. A friend of mine went and got what he expected to be a tat of a beautiful 5X5 muley. He left the parlor with a picture of a Great Dane with deer horns on its head inked to his shoulder instead. It was obvious when I saw it that the artist could draw a great looking dog, but didn't have a clue as to what a deer looked like.

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