PEAX Equipment

Another reason to avoid yard work

Anyone else have allergic reactions to biting flies? One usually doesn’t bother me, but if I get a few they all swell up and itch like crazy. They got me 3 times yesterday while I was cutting some parts of the yard that had been neglected.

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No experience with biting flys but I ran the brush hog over a ground bee nest last summer. I swear they tried to kill me.
hope your feeling better
No experience with biting flys but I ran the brush hog over a ground bee nest last summer. I swear they tried to kill me.
hope your feeling better
I unknowingly tilled a ground bees nest last year, next pass by on the tractor they lit me up real good! Bailed off the tractor, it was a chore getting back on the running tractor to get it outta there, they were just as pissed at that tractor as they were me!
I unknowingly tilled a ground bees nest last year, next pass by on the tractor they lit me up real good! Bailed off the tractor, it was a chore getting back on the running tractor to get it outta there, they were just as pissed at that tractor as they were me!
They are all business when they come out of the ground 🤣🤬🤬
Mowed the lawn, jumped in the pool to cool off, sat on the deck with a cold iced tea to admire my work. Little did I know paper wasps built a huge nest under the deck. They like iced tea too! Took a swig and boy a mouth full of wasps will wake you right up…no pictures just right to the epipen!
No experience with biting flys but I ran the brush hog over a ground bee nest last summer. I swear they tried to kill me.
hope your feeling better
Our bumble bees are underground mostly. Used to rake hay with open cab tractors. They are so pissed off they sound like hail when they start hitting the tractor. Anytime you seen a tractor in road gear bouncing across an alfalfa field you knew they were on the run from a swarm of bees. 🤣
When I was in high school my younger sister was in 4H. She was practicing with her show calf in the yard between the barn and the house we lived in which was in a wooded area. She had tied the calf up to a tree. I came driving in and saw the calf was running back and forth wildly. Every time it got to the end of the rope it would dang near break its neck. I thought dang whats going on with that crazy calf. I jumped out of my vehicle and ran over to the calf and got ahold of its halter. About that time I figured out what was going on. I felt like I had been shot with a shotgun. There was a nest of ground hornets under the base of the small tree she had tied that calf to. I guess that calf had been wiggling that tree and that got the swarm pzzed off. By the time I got that calf loose and we both got away I had about 40 stings. No idea how many the calf had. I was sore but ok the next day. The calf had a bit of swelling around its face but that may have been do bruising from the halter when the calf was trying to get away. It seems ok the next morning as wel.
My brothers and I used to take a 5-6' stick and smack down any hornet nests we would find along our community driveway. If you got a good hit and tore it in half and ran immediately you typically didn't get stung. But if you're standing next to it waiting to smack it and your older brother decides to throw a handful of rocks at it you can't react fast enough. I think I had a dozen or so stings before I got far enough out of their range.
Anyone else have allergic reactions to biting flies? One usually doesn’t bother me, but if I get a few they all swell up and itch like crazy. They got me 3 times yesterday while I was cutting some parts of the yard that had been neglected.

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Holy moly, usually fly bites on me become red, but never this swollen :eek:
I avoided a disaster by like half an inch today - stepped on a nail but (thank god) sole on my old Brooks was thick enough so it didn't pierce my foot. A bit of a red spot but that's it(on the downside, gotta spend another $ on new ones... Probably gonna wait for a sale at online running store...)
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Deer flies this year have been bad, but no reaction like that.

I taste like whatever biting midges love the most. Have had over 70 bites on my legs at once. I imagine that's what hell is - unending itching from midge bites.
October 2017 I was mowing my pasture and had three yellow jackets light me up. Once in the head, one on my right arm and one in my left leg. I bailed off the tractor and let it roll away. I started to get back on and finish cutting but I decided to go cool off a little. I sat down at the kitchen table and five minutes later I was passed out and in anaphylactic shock fighting to live. It’s a long story but my daughter who was in RN school and my sister who lives close by saved my life with an outdated epi pen that my sister had in her junk drawer. I don’t remember much just bits and pieces, I woke up in the hospital with a doctor telling my wife I was seconds from dying. The paramedics showed up 10 minutes after that first epi shot and I didn’t have a blood pressure that they could find. After a second epi pen was injected they managed to get one and transport me to the er. I take venom shots for a severe allergy to all things that bite and sting outside. I don’t cut grass anymore either.

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