All indications of a great waterfowl hatch


New member
Jul 3, 2009
Omaha, NE
I've been reading all the info I can find on the waterfowl hatch. DU/Delta Waterfowl/USFW all reporting great nesting success on a majority of the breeding grounds...many species numbers up well above 25 year average. I just hope the weather patterns cooperate now this fall for plenty of water and a full migration southward.
I'd like to coorespond with some wildfowlers here in the forums, maybe exchange some ideas or stories.
Should be a good year for waterfowl production here in NW Iowa.Not that we produce a lot but every little bit helps.Plenty of water,maybe to much ,it might hurt the pheasants a little.
We goose hunt on the farm, but mostly our geese are resident kind. Over populated and nasty birds. I'll watch the fields and when they have been in one field for 2 days I will hunt them and get 2-3 K flying


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nice offering to the hunting gods there in your pic! We have a lot of resident canadas here in NE too...even have an early season b4 migrators arrive to try and thin them down. They are starting to be a pain in the ass for some...but hey...I like havin them around, they are a blast to hunt and alot of local farmers will let you in to hunt them.
What part of MD you in?
I'm just north of Washington DC 19 miles beginning of farm land where the concrete jungle is starting to spread out too. About 35 years ago DU put in 1500 geese in the area, they have over populated the golf courses and the rivers, goslings everywhere, crossing main roads, traffic has to stop for them.
We have a 1 month early season also , 5 a day. But it's to dang hot for me I'd rather go shoot dove at the same time of year.

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