Against all odds: my 2023 season

So Friday afternoon and evening we covered a lot of ground either hiking or with the truck. My friends saw nothing except more elk hunters than you can count. We honestly were floored by the number of elk hunters out there. I made a 4 mile hike and found a spike and a cow coming out of the woods at dusk. Everyone kept saying there were moose everywhere but between the large amount of forage and warm sunny days, the moose were tough to find.
Throughout the trip we met 3 other bull tag holders and 1 cow tag holder. 2 guys were local and said they were holding out for monster bulls and would hunt into the rifle season. Neither had a bull they were seemingly after on opening day.

I was bowhunting for about 5 days and while I could come back In october, I was wanting to just get a solid bull with my bow. I was looking for double brows and paddles but planning to stalk most anything with my bow.

The unit seemed to average high 30 inch spread based on CPW history. One 51” bull was shot a few years ago and 1-2 40”+ were taken each year.
So opening morning we head back the drainage we saw the Thursday night bull as its the only one we’d found so far. Nothing in the early morning. We get a tip from a road hunter about 2 bulls hed seen up top and circle above. Nothing up there. So I decide to work my down a shady ridge grunting and raking while my friends circle below. On about the 4th setup a bull walked right into 15 yards from me! He spooked a little when I tried to draw my bow and though he hung around for a couple minutes inside 30 yards, I never could get a shot through the trees.
I eventually meet up with my buddies. One ran into the bull I had come in after he buggered off from me and got a video of him and 20 yards. My other friend had 2 bulls come right in front of him while in the truck. One bedded down in the willows but some passerbys saw him and spooked him trying to get pictures.
At this point we decide to go check some other areas out. So we hiked into a few different meadows and ponds off the roads. Almost every pull out had a camp and we tried to talk to most people. Most were friendly, some werent. My friends did a little fishing while I made one big hike up to a set of ponds on top. Tons of sign for elk, deer and moose but a herd of cattle had come in and there was nothing fresh. Honestly, I was more excited just because there was no human sign uo there.

There were moo cows throughout several of the most popular drainages. Again between the heat, cows and ample food available this year, we were struggling to find moose. They definitely werent just hanging out in the open for us.
So in keeping with old adage of you dont leave elk to find elk, we were heading to a glassing point near where wed been seeing the bulls. A camp wed talked to flagged us down kn the way and told theyd just seen a bull in the willows right where we were headed. So we booked it over there, didnt see him from the road and split up 3 different directions looking for him. I crossed and took the old logging road and found him at the same time my friend saw the antlers over the willows. He picked me up and we circled to get the wind and crossed a beaver pond back to the logging road.
We eventually figure out its two bulls and theyve found a spot in there thats pretty good place to hide. They fed close to our side of the drainage as we sneaked close. It was impossible to be dead silent and one bull knew something was up there. I eventually made it to 40 yards. I was in the trees above them trying desperately for a clear shot. They were tinkling their antlers but otherwise staying pretty still. Eventually one turned and I thought I had a shot. I drew and had to look at a lot of twigs to make sure I was clear settled the pin and released.
And missed! Unbelievable. The moose was at 40 yards and it seemed the arrow nose dived underneath him. I think I must have hit a twig in the hole I was trying to shoot through. Both bulls spooked off out of the bog and into the timber. I was pretty crushed. We had an hour or so of light left and went to check a new area finding new moose and huge elk camps. I was pretty down Saturday night.

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