Advice Needed


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2021
San Antonio Valley California
No matter what I say I think it's going to be wrong.
Short story,,,the boss and I go to Patterson yesterday, get home and unload groceries and stuff in walk-in at the shop. She says "I'll move your truck back to the house" . I say leave it for later. She moves it anyway to be nice. This morning she has to go to Livermore for other stuff. She jumps in her brand spanking new 2024 Subaru and backs into the side of the bed and rear bumper of my truck. Things happen and I'm not worried and I'm not going to say anything about it, that's what insurance is for. She comes over to the shop and says "I backed into your truck, it was parked in the wrong spot". I responded with a simple OK.
I get the feeling there's going to be more said after she gets home. This is where the advice comes in. Should I just smile and say nothing? Maybe that I should have moved it myself? Maybe I should hide? Runaway from home? I don't see an easy way out. BTW her new car has a backup camera and alarm.
50 years of marriage and this is a new one.
Lol, I would remind her and chuckle about it, in a fun way.

If you made it 50 years there has been a lot of laugh about moments. If you can’t have some fun ribbing each other it’s not worth being married.
I doesn't matter to me. It's a minor Oh shit as far as I'm concerned. A few years ago I backed into a Lexus that ran up my ass in a gas station. I destroyed the front of the Lexus, it didn't hurt my truck. Her response was that I probably shouldn't have done that. I think she's probably upset that she whacked her new car.
Hah. I did mention that it wasn't me that parked it there. We park at right angles and she didn't pull it up another 5-10 feet.
She was in a hurry this morning and wasn't paying enough attention. To me it's no big deal. I think to her it's her 10 day old new car. She'll get over it as long as I don't laugh too much.
the secret is not having to be right so why mention it, it was an accident
I don't know what to tell you. She parked your truck, she then backed into the truck she had parked. You had no involvement in the event whatsoever so clearly, it's all your fault. Just take your punishment and move on.
You don’t need this kinda stress in your life, take it to the dealer and trade it in, get a Shelby mustang or corvette or Porsche or something.
With all the new technology with bells and whistles in the new vehicles it’s almost impossible to hit anything. I’m thinking it was intentional 🤣🤣

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