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Adventure in the BOB

Straight Arrow

Well-known member
Jun 10, 2009
Gallatin Gateway, MT
Just returned from a four-day backpack adventure into the heart of the Bob Marshall Wilderness, over Headquarters Pass, up the North Fork of the Sun River, through Gates Park to Wrong Creek, then over Washboard Reef, out Olney Creek to West Fork Teton River trailhead.

Headquarters Pass waterfall
Headquarters Pass  waterfall.jpg

Up on Headquarters Pass
Up on Headquarters Pass.jpg

Sun River swimming hole
North Fork Sun River swimming hole.jpg
We accomplished our main mission and were able to leave a photo of late one-hundred-year-old Uncle Jim Hasterlik at Gates Park Cabin, where he worked summer of 1942, before WWII Navy deployment.

Gates Park
Gates Park on North Fork Sun River.jpg

Uncle Jim's photo posted at Gates Park Cabin, where he had worked 1942, in the Prmitive Area before Wilderness.
Uncle Jim's photo displayed in Gates Park Ranger Cabin..jpg
We hiked up Wrong Ridge on an "infrequently maintained" trail, which disappeared in a total mess of several layers of blow-down large trees, which we had to climb over, through, under, around, only to be unable to find the trail. Finally exhausted, we found an open slope and a spring, so made camp. Wife wanted to send SOS on Garmin, but we climbed to trail area on map, finding an old rusted tin can, then finally the trail. Climbed up to Washboard Ridge and again NO TRAIL! Bush-wacked to where it should be, found a gorgeous meadow with a sweet spring, so camped in the midst of elk sign.
Next morning found another trail that connected with planned trail. Trail blocked by fallen trees every several yards, but not as bad as "Wrong" Trail. Finally made it down the drainage to West Fork Teton, where it was easy hiking and wife was singing! We had camped three nights, with two in the outback not near a trail, after bushwacking in attempt to locate trails unused and overgrown for who-knows-how-long. We reported trail condition to Ranger District to post cautionary note regarding risky trail.
Lesson learned: In the BOB, "infrequently maintained" may mean NEVER MAINTAINED!!!

View from Wrong Ridge
Chinese Wall from Wrong Ridge.jpg
Emerging from the wild, after hot showers we visited of Gene and Linda Sentz in Choteau. Gene, an acquaintance of Uncle Jim, was a teacher, packer, and outfitter and still hikes in his eighties. Notably, Gene was inducted into the Montana Outdoor Hall of Fame for his hard-earned success in passing the Heritage Act which provides protection for the Rocky Mountain Front forever. Linda fed us well as we told stories and shared the appreciation for the BOB and other wild places protected and conserved through such strength and perseverance as shown by Gene and Linda Sentz. We enjoyed the Sentz hospitality and the stories and memories for several hours ... what a fitting ending to a great wild adventure!

Gene & Linda Sentz
Gene and Linda Sentz.JPG
This should be called over 75 and still living the dream. I pray that I am able to do half the stuff your are doing when I am your age in 20 years. Looks like a wonderful trip.
Yep ... over Headquarters Pass at the bottom taking a pack break, the dude horse string came down to rest and water horses. A fella approached and politely asked my wife's age, then about that "older fellow" with you? When she told him 78, he said "How the hell did he get here?!!!" I replied with my late 101-yr-old Mom's favorite saying, "Move it ... or lose it!"
the fella said he is 74 and was on a bucket-list BOB ride, but was inspired by us to get out back on his own more.
Wonderful looking country and trip. Kind of a shame the state of backcountry trails anymore
Thanks for sharing. Chinese Wall is a bucket list hike for me. Hope to get it checked off in the next couple years.
Nice looking trip! How low were the water levels on the upper Sun back there? Sadly didn’t make it for one of my backcountry fishing trips above the reservoir this year.
Caribou Gear

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