A Complete Sentence: The Second Amendment


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2014
The entire sentence of the second amendment reads, A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

When people quote the Second Amendment it usually sounds like, “Shall not be infringed”. How should, “A well regulated militia,” and ”,being necessary to the security of a free State,” be interpreted?
In before the lock.

Don’t you guys got anything else to do other than get riled up?
Who's riled up? I was just helping clarify definition. The government will never change the 2nd amendment...they dont have to. They will tax the living crap out of guns and ammo to the point where nobody can afford to own one anymore.
The entire sentence of the second amendment reads, A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

When people quote the Second Amendment it usually sounds like, “Shall not be infringed”. How should, “A well regulated militia,” and ”,being necessary to the security of a free State,” be interpreted?
If you think that taking AR's away is their end goal, you're not very well informed.

Does anyone truly feel like they are well represented by someone in high level government?

If I remember history class correctly, the colonists were upset because no one in the government represented their needs. Then they were getting the shit taxed out of them so they rebelled. They wouldn't have been able to rebel without weapons.

At what point are we being unreasonably taxed? Sending 100's of billions overseas to other countries seems foolish.

Have at it, but interpreting the meaning of the constitution is what experts in constitutional law do and if you ask 100 experts in constitutional law about the meaning of the second amendment, you're going to get several VERY different interpretations. In the end, we have a politically motivated method of determining who has the final say (The Supreme Court) and for now, we have a ruling that sits pretty close to one end of the spectrum. It will probably change at some point.
That went south in a hurry. I had hoped people would talk about the original second amendment as written.
That went south in a hurry. I had hoped people would talk about the original second amendment as written.
It's a very touchy subject for the entire country because half desire it to be understood as written...shall not be infringed upon, and the other half desire it to be remanded and done away with because they foolishly believe that it is the source of mass shootings.
Have at it, but interpreting the meaning of the constitution is what experts in constitutional law do and if you ask 100 experts in constitutional law about the meaning of the second amendment, you're going to get several VERY different interpretations. In the end, we have a politically motivated method of determining who has the final say (The Supreme Court) and for now, we have a ruling that sits pretty close to one end of the spectrum. It will probably change at some point.
Yeah, but I own a Remington, a Ruger, and a Smith & Wesson ... so doesn't that make me a 2A Constitutional scholar and expert? ;)
Pretty simple actually. Government shows up at your door for no valid reason. They are going to take your property. What do you feel should have the right to do? And what shoul you be able to do it with?
Hot take.

Neither side cares what it says.

Both sides want their way.

If either side had a time machine to 1776 and got it from the horses mouth they would come back and say "oh well 2023 is different than 1776."

Stevens and Scalia just wrote a really high brow iteration of 37 HT threads.

If you've read The Federalist papers you have your answer. If you haven't, in this or any other argument regarding the constitution, you don't know what you're talking about.
Just to clarify in order to consider your question, give an example of that occurring.
Maybe he means hypothetically? If they came for that, that’s likely what will happen.. idk though. I had read an article a couple years ago also that in one or two states law enforcement showed up to folks houses that are registered owners of “assault rifles” and demanded they hand them over or provide some bill of sale. I can’t find squat on an article now though. Fake news perhaps 😂 that’s all I have to contribute.. can’t wait to see where this goes! How many of us are willing to “stand your ground” in a state that provides that statute, against a government entity coming to infringe on your constitutional rights? You better believe they’ll be in Kevlar and armed to the T

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