Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars


Bad until I just gave up. If it works ,it works.
But it does work at home now with link to wifi on starlink. No idea if the video chat works here yet.
My pc works . I don't use apps on the phone.
We have one cell tower in 300 sq.miles. It's 9-1/2 direct line of sight, air miles away. Analog worked great. Digital 4g was still pretty good. After the SCU fires of 2020, the 4g was damaged and Verizon kept putting bandaids on it. It was temperature sensitive, weather sensitive and any strong winds would blow it around. After 2 years of fighting with Verizon, our state senator, the office of emergency services and the university of CA got involved. Even Cal Fire dumped them from the shitty service. Forget about the crap of their first responders commercial. Finally last August they started a "5g upgrade". It is so f'ed up it's unreal. The signal comes and goes, it doesn't reach where it used to and it drops calls several times a day, every day. To say it's bad would be a compliment. We depend on cell service, the SO and Cal Fire depends on it . Verizon couldn't give a damn less. Bad service from a horrible company. Unfortunately they are the only game in town.
My congressperson grilled verizon ceo's on the stand regarding the ever degrading service in NM.
"When will you upgrade the rural service?"
He said it would not get better.
He did not lie on the stand.
When I was 18 and got my first phone in 2003, I remember driving from Boulder to Helena and not dropping calls, or if there was a bad spot it was only for a moment at the top of Boulder Hill. Nowadays I don’t know if an unbroken call would be possible with any of the big 3 service providers. I know it isn’t possible or is hit or miss with Verizon or T-mobile. It’s interesting that where I live, there seems to have been a general degradation of service over the years.

I know someone who is an electrical engineer for one of the big companies, and I asked him if it would get better. He said that generally, across Montana, it would not.

As to 5G, my phone doesn't have the capability, everyone I talk to who has it seems to think it is a promise that never delivered in terms of noticing a difference.
it's really sad, i don't specifically know why or if i can fully blame 5G, but my fancy new iphone with verizon is basically unusable 95% of the time for doing things besides phone calls without wifi.

i can say anecdotally that is used to be better, much better, before i had 5G.

maybe verizon is the issue. in fact, i do believe it's part of the issue.

but holy chit, apart from the phones and apps themselves, cellular technology appears to be massively regressing as it progresses.
The real highlight of the 5g bullshit is they are phasing out 4g like they did 3g. It won't be long before the 4g phone won't even work. Believe it or not I've had the same Droid Turbo since 2010. It's actually my first phone if you don't count the one I trashed a couple months after I got it.
it's really sad, i don't specifically know why or if i can fully blame 5G, but my fancy new iphone with verizon is basically unusable 95% of the time for doing things besides phone calls without wifi.

i can say anecdotally that is used to be better, much better, before i had 5G.

maybe verizon is the issue. in fact, i do believe it's part of the issue.

but holy chit, apart from the phones and apps themselves, cellular technology appears to be massively regressing as it progresses.
It's the 5G frequency they are using its higher and doesn't propagate as well. They have rolled out 5G on a network built for 4G, lower frequency better propagation, gonna take a few years to get new sites on air to infill the gaps created.

I have kept my 4 yr old phone because it let's me turn 5G off...most of the time I get a low 5G signal I can turn it off and I will get a good 4G signal. YMMV
My iPhone on Verizon often sounds like someone has a spring attached to their voice. I'll have to hang up and callback. I don't recall this before 5G.
It was supposed to do a bunch of crazy, conspiratorial shit, but for me and everybody I know in my area, it just made our cell phones work less good. What about you? Has it been a downgrade or an upgrade?
100%. Everything is just shittier. You can go into your setting and adjust it to some degree, which helps, but it's still pretty worthless. The biggest issues seem to be in town. Like here at the office. I often have dropped calls, or the inability to load data, it's a real pain the ass
According to this article, the FAA and FCC have been keeping the carriers from increasing the strength of their 5G towers for the past year and a half. Apparently, the boosted signal strength from 5G towers can interfere with the radio waves used by aircraft altimeters. I guess knowing how far from the ground you are is kind of important when flying in IFR conditions. They are planning to give them the go ahead for the boost in signal strength starting next month as most aircraft in the US have now installed new altimeters that should not be impacted by the 5G signal. Although there are enough planes that haven’t that there may be times where it will cause delayed and canceled flights due to bad weather etc. No mention of the Potential for more plane crashes…

According to this article, the FAA and FCC have been keeping the carriers from increasing the strength of their 5G towers for the past year and a half. Apparently, the boosted signal strength from 5G towers can interfere with the radio waves used by aircraft altimeters. I guess knowing how far from the ground you are is kind of important when flying in IFR conditions. They are planning to give them the go ahead for the boost in signal strength starting next month as most aircraft in the US have now installed new altimeters that should not be impacted by the 5G signal. Although there are enough planes that haven’t that there may be times where it will cause delayed and canceled flights due to bad weather etc. No mention of the Potential for more plane crashes…

The FCC auctioned off the spectrum for 5G that they are using now...Nobody at the FCC saw this being an issue when they were cashing Verizon's 6 billion dollar check for the spectrum? Smh
It was supposed to do a bunch of crazy, conspiratorial shit, but for me and everybody I know in my area, it just made our cell phones work less good. What about you? Has it been a downgrade or an upgrade?
I noticed slower speeds.
Personal phone is 5G, work phone is 4G. 4G Work phone loads faster most of the time unless I have 5 bars on the 5G phone.
5G works so well next to the Las Vegas airport it’s impossible to load results for a google search to learn about how it got named after Harry Reid.

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I feel like this is prob just because there’s a ton of people in that area using their phones.
Seems like mine slows down in places like that.
Mon-Friday at the ski resort the internet works fine, sat-sun it’s nonexistent.