Yeti GOBOX Collection

5 Movies

Big Lebowski
Dumb and Dumber
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Outlaw Josie Wales

Looking at this list is a reminder that maturity level has pretty much stalled since my college days🤷‍♂️

Edit: should have added “Lorax” to this list, which I once watched x5 times (at least) consecutively when my daughter had pneumonia when she was 2-3. Tried to block that out!
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Big Lebowski
Dumb and Dumber
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Outlaw Josie Wales

Looking at this list is a reminder that maturity level has pretty much stalled since my college days🤷‍♂️

Edit: should have added “Lorax” to this list, which I once watched x5 times (at least) consecutively when my daughter had pneumonia when she was 2-3. Tried to block that out!
I feel like any kids movies don’t count towards this as we all have probably seen Toy Story, the Lion King, etc more times than we can count whether directly for us as kids or movies like these for our own kids, nieces, nephews, grandkids etc.
The Sandlot
The Departed
Big Lebowski
Trading Places
Jeremiah Johnson

I’ve mentioned it on here before I think, but along the lines of this thread the Ringer “Rewatchables” podcast is fun IMO. Many movies on this thread are in that vein…the most re-watchable movies aren’t necessarily the “best”, though there could be overlap.