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22 million BLM acres for development?

And what's "your group" doing?

Thanks in advance.

Not signing onto PLEDRA and blowing smoke up outdoorsmens azz that selling off(leasing) public land to renewable energy was a win because maybe, possibly some money would funnel to wildlife.

Not campaigning that joining in with the blue jerseys would mean they get a seat at the table for such important policies.

Hell Buzz, Meateater, you know, the entertainment company, has an article about it.

I just checked BHA website.

Not a freaking mention of this in their 2024 priority publication.

So either that seat at the table was useless, or tgst seat at the table is useful, just not for outdoorsman.

Can't wait to see BHA Wyomings Billboards supporting massive solar farms to go with the windmill farms.

Interesting you comment on everything under tge sun. Guess this one slipped your mind?
Landing at Sky Harbor the other day, I was struck by the hundreds of acres of warehouse rooftops with literally no solar. I know nothing about the topic, so can someone explain to me why we don’t invest more in rooftop solar?
Invest in rooftop solar on a grid level generation? A LOT of reasons.

I don't like the sounds of this at all. How can you have minimal impact when it's 22 million acres good grief!!
It's not 22 million acres - it's 22 million acres open to development. From the article "The BLM, along with the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory — part of the Department of Energy — have said 700,000 acres of public lands will need to be used for solar farms in the next two decades if the U.S. is to meet its net zero goal by 2035, Electrek reported."
Not signing onto PLEDRA and blowing smoke up outdoorsmens azz that selling off(leasing) public land to renewable energy was a win because maybe, possibly some money would funnel to wildlife.

Not campaigning that joining in with the blue jerseys would mean they get a seat at the table for such important policies.

Hell Buzz, Meateater, you know, the entertainment company, has an article about it.

I just checked BHA website.

Not a freaking mention of this in their 2024 priority publication.

So either that seat at the table was useless, or tgst seat at the table is useful, just not for outdoorsman.

Can't wait to see BHA Wyomings Billboards supporting massive solar farms to go with the windmill farms.

Interesting you comment on everything under tge sun. Guess this one slipped your mind?
You didn't answer the question, I was wondering what "your group" has been doing and what comments they've submitted?
As a Utahn, I get pretty damn tired of the jam job.

I'm sure I speak for the rest of the blm states.

Wind turbines at sea get shot down because the Kerry's and Kennedys didn't like the view, but jam this crap down the throats of the west.

The west has been a national sacrifice zone for resource extraction and wealth development since Lewis & Clark paddled their happy little asses up the Missouri.
To be fair Buzz.

What the hell is RMEF, MDF, TU, pheasants forever, DU, sfw, and a dozen other "habitat" orgs doing?

hossblur posted from some unknown group about this, and not one of the groups who suck up millions of our dollars has a single thing to say?

Some random dude on HT is posting it, but the "pros" aren't?

Thank God it's banquet season, break out the VISAand "conserve habitat"
Inaccurate. Modern solar panels LOSE about 20 percent in 25 years, and are commonly warrantied that way. Also - AFAIK any energy development needs to place a "reclamation bond" to remediate after a project is finished - which came about from mining/o&g not footing the bill for it after declaring bankruptcy at the end. Historically - renewables have avoided public land. For evidence - the largest development of renewable power far and away exists in texas.
It was a WAG not meant as this is fact, but "what if"

Big wind storm in WY comes in and obliterates a field, are they bonded to reclaim them? Do we really know how long modern panels last, are they infact bonded to reclaim the entire project in x years or are they seen as permanent?
Invest in rooftop solar on a grid level generation? A LOT of reasons.

It's not 22 million acres - it's 22 million acres open to development. From the article "The BLM, along with the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory — part of the Department of Energy — have said 700,000 acres of public lands will need to be used for solar farms in the next two decades if the U.S. is to meet its net zero goal by 2035, Electrek reported."
I understand that as it was pointed out already. Doesn't make me feel warm and fuzzy either way. I think solar is a fruitless endeavor that negatives outweigh the positives and creates mad max wastelands. Some may agree with that some may not. The ones that don't can continue to chase the inevitable because in the end were not in control.
If I am honest, if climate continues on current trend, we are done as a society. People in FL can’t afford homeowners insurance because insurers can’t reinsure the risk and still make a return. All disaster relief will fall on the state which will then ask the federal government. That has to go through appropriations and our current politics show we can’t agree on anything. It will just be a matter of time before states don’t want to pay for other states’ “problems”. Dominoes falling…
Totally agree.
To be fair Buzz.

What the hell is RMEF, MDF, TU, pheasants forever, DU, sfw, and a dozen other "habitat" orgs doing?

hossblur posted from some unknown group about this, and not one of the groups who suck up millions of our dollars has a single thing to say?

Some random dude on HT is posting it, but the "pros" aren't?

Thank God it's banquet season, break out the VISAand "conserve habitat"
Not the question, what have YOU and YOUR GROUP specifically done.

We have a small board of VOLUNTEERS, all but one of whom have full time jobs, in Wyoming. We're up to our ass in corner crossing, the GF declaring war on elk, annual legislative sessions, commission meetings, interim committee meetings, task force fall-out, RMP's, FP's, State Land exchage, and the list goes on and on.

Anytime you want to volunteer a bunch of your time, take days off work, and actually get involved...come on, I'm sure the Utah Chapter could use some help.

If you're expecting a handful of volunteers to tackle the outcomes of resource extraction on public lands in 50 states, I think you better realign your expectations.

Those looking to push their resource extraction agenda's have 100's of millions of dollars, lawyers, lobbyists, etc. doing that work non-stop.

Just don't think a few hook and bullet groups are going to compete, on any level, with that. They have to work in the confines of reality and what they do actually have the money, time, and talent to accomplish. Even tougher when your "supporters" don't do jack chit except gripe from the sidelines.
Not the question, what have YOU and YOUR GROUP specifically done.

We have a small board of VOLUNTEERS, all but one of whom have full time jobs, in Wyoming. We're up to our ass in corner crossing, the GF declaring war on elk, annual legislative sessions, commission meetings, interim committee meetings, task force fall-out, RMP's, FP's, State Land exchage, and the list goes on and on.

Anytime you want to volunteer a bunch of your time, take days off work, and actually get involved...come on, I'm sure the Utah Chapter could use some help.

If you're expecting a handful of volunteers to tackle the outcomes of resource extraction on public lands in 50 states, I think you better realign your expectations.

I just finished contacting my elected reps. The groups I give time/money to, mainly Rmef apparently are asleep at the switch.

I, because I knew what your answer would be, checked.

Wyoming BHA website. No mention. It's Director, whonis extremely active on several forums, not a peep. Why? You've posted books worth of trash talk about 90/10. Not a single post about this? Just too busy? How many of those 700,000 acres do you think will swallow Wyoming public land?
Tell me today is tge first you've heard about it.

Like many, including Wyoming, a bunch of us ceased our BHA memberships with PLEDRA, seeing the writing on the wall. Whyvon gods earth would any of us get back in with a group test supports this?
I just finished contacting my elected reps. The groups I give time/money to, mainly Rmef apparently are asleep at the switch.

I, because I knew what your answer would be, checked.

Wyoming BHA website. No mention. It's Director, whonis extremely active on several forums, not a peep. Why? You've posted books worth of trash talk about 90/10. Not a single post about this? Just too busy? How many of those 700,000 acres do you think will swallow Wyoming public land?
Tell me today is tge first you've heard about it.

Like many, including Wyoming, a bunch of us ceased our BHA memberships with PLEDRA, seeing the writing on the wall. Whyvon gods earth would any of us get back in with a group test supports this?
Well probably not a ton of it will get developed in WY - you'd need a massive transmission network to transmit very much - especially at the watts/per acre moderm solar is - meaning it wouldnt take a lot of land to exceed what the existing transmission network can take. In example, the proposed transmission line would open 3000 MW of generation. Solar is between 5-10 acres per MW - so 30k acres of solar from a 3 billion dollar transmission investment.

We should weigh all impacts of all development o&g, coal, wind, solar, whatever - and to be clear. - im not not trying to pretend theres not major enviromental drawbacks to solar. Theres just not a huge liklihood in the near future this is an issue in WY/MT.
Well probably not a ton of it will get developed in WY - you'd need a massive transmission network to transmit very much - especially at the watts/per acre moderm solar is - meaning it wouldnt take a lot of land to exceed what the existing transmission network can take. In example, the proposed transmission line would open 3000 MW of generation. Solar is between 5-10 acres per MW - so 30k acres of solar from a 3 billion dollar transmission investment.

We should weigh all impacts of all development o&g, coal, wind, solar, whatever - and to be clear. - im not not trying to pretend theres not major enviromental drawbacks to solar. Theres just not a huge liklihood in the near future this is an issue in WY/MT.

You have more faith in politics then I do.

Wyoming g has 2 senators and 1 congressman, and like Utah, votes "wrong" Lack of sunshine might contribute.

My state has some evil fossil fueled lines that feed Cali(ipp), and a ton of blm surrounding them, I'm not so optimistic
I'd prefer one like this, we got important habitat to save, right BHA?
Why is it up to you the way buzz advocates or what he advocates for? Not sure how or why i find myself defending buzz - but its clear he has done a lot of investment of his time supporting wildlife.

Why does BHA need to stand up to any and all things you dont like?

BHA, RMEF, and other orgs spend their resources advocating - if the way they do it doesnt work for you - join another org or start one? Spend your time and resources trying to change it. Hats off to you if you do... theres no sense in being a prick because you are frustrated. Think ive learned that a time or two in life myself.
Why is it up to you the way buzz advocates or what he advocates for? Not sure how or why i find myself defending buzz - but its clear he has done a lot of investment of his time supporting wildlife.

Why does BHA need to stand up to any and all things you dont like?

BHA, RMEF, and other orgs spend their resources advocating - if the way they do it doesnt work for you - join another org or start one? Spend your time and resources trying to change it. Hats off to you if you do...

HT History:

This is just version 4 or 5 of the same thread for dragging BHA based on their previous solar comments.

I'd prefer one like this, we got important habitat to save, right BHA?
I can get you that one too. Do bumper stickers make you feel like you've done something?

BHA HQ will be submitting comment to the proposal mentioned in the article in the OP, after all, it is just an EIS. BHA already submitted comments to the scoping portion of this proposal, as well, last year.

You act as if this is all a done deal we just lost 22 million acres of prime habitat and it was all BHA's fault. Your hyperbolic tone is seemingly just a touch disconnected from reality. You've come for flesh, and nothing has really happened yet. But by all means, keep throwing those peanuts and holding your pitch fork.
Well probably not a ton of it will get developed in WY - you'd need a massive transmission network to transmit very much - especially at the watts/per acre moderm solar is - meaning it wouldnt take a lot of land to exceed what the existing transmission network can take. In example, the proposed transmission line would open 3000 MW of generation. Solar is between 5-10 acres per MW - so 30k acres of solar from a 3 billion dollar transmission investment.

We should weigh all impacts of all development o&g, coal, wind, solar, whatever - and to be clear. - im not not trying to pretend theres not major enviromental drawbacks to solar. Theres just not a huge liklihood in the near future this is an issue in WY/MT.

I pulled this map from this article.


States with the most green are Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming. Montana doesn't look to be impacted at this time.
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Why is it up to you the way buzz advocates or what he advocates for? Not sure how or why i find myself defending buzz - but its clear he has done a lot of investment of his time supporting wildlife.

Why does BHA need to stand up to any and all things you dont like?

BHA, RMEF, and other orgs spend their resources advocating - if the way they do it doesnt work for you - join another org or start one? Spend your time and resources trying to change it. Hats off to you if you do...

BHA? Because they are extremely proud of having their hands in all sorts of public land development issue's. From pebble mine, to Michigan's headwaters, they are constantly "calling to action".

Public land in public hands is supposedly their wheelhouse.

So when a proposal to allow 22 million blm acres is made, and they are dead silent, it's odd?

Buzz is the director, in a blm state. Not a peep from him. No mention on their website. No call to action. Nothing.

National BHA, the same.


RMEF comments on large elk related topics.

I know my local waterfowl club is constantly commenting on GSL and surrounding marsh issues.

That's why.

Search Buzz, and look at tge massive amounts of posts he's made on dozens of habitat issue's. Probably 100's of Wildlife issue's. One thing he isn't, is quiet or shy.

Unless, 22 million blm acres are proposed by team blue for development, then it's crickets, until some random dude posts from some random site.
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