21st Anniversary of 9/11. Never forget!

Like it was yesterday., I remember the clothes I was wearing watching the tv when the first plane hit.... All those families affected may have moved forward, but I have to believe that none of them have moved on. None of my direct or even distant family was physically harmed on 9/11 but every year it really weighs heavy on me to think of the uncomprehensible loss they suffered and then get REMINDED of their loss EVERY year. God bless the families that suffered and I hope they know that every American truly felt a portion of their loss that day, even though it pales in comparison to those directly affected.
You will meet again. 💛
Had just put uniform on and was putting on my boots and saw it hit on TV.
No one at work knew when I got there and my life changed.
I was transferred to Lopez Lake that day and started 8 years of lake patrol duties.
My wife was pregnant with my 2nd daughter and I took off work to take her to the doctor. The first plane hit as we left and when we got into the doctors office the second plane hit about ten minutes later. I told my wife someone out there had just started a war with the United States.
I was working in the Ag shop during my senior year in high school. The teacher stuck his head in and said "a plane hit the world trade center, you might want to come watch this"
Truly a sad day!
I was local LE at the time and was leaving for a NM elk hunt. I remember the news of the first plane hit and watched live the second hit. I remember wondering how a plane could mess up that much and hit a building…then the 2nd hit and I instantly knew. Terrible gut punch. I also remember seeing every single house from Spanish Fork Canyon in Utah to Springerville, AZ was proudly displaying the American flag. Without fail…every house in that area of rural America!
Getting ready for work watching the first tower’s smoke plume when the plane hit the second tower. Couldn’t believe my eyes.
I had just gotten my boarding pass for a business trip from LAS to San Jose and heard some guy say, "some idiot flew a Cessna into the World Trade Center ". I looked at the TV and said, "no Cessna did that. A Cessna wouldn't do more than break a few windows. Gotta be a jet"....