2023 Father/Son Montana Bison Hunt


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2017
Beneath these Western Skies . . .
When I think about the west, I can't help but think of a few of the iconic species - mule deer, sage grouse, antelope, bighorn sheep, etc. But the one that stands out to me is the bison. As such, when I heard about the opportunity to hunt free range bison on the Crow Indian Reservation in Montana, I jumped at the chance. A few phone calls where made, and I was able to secure my son a cow bison tag.

The scenery is something to behold:

Cloud Sky Plant Natural landscape Cumulus

Cloud Sky Mountain Natural landscape Highland

Cloud Sky Plant community Mountain Plant

Cloud Sky Mountain Plant community Plant
After driving around for some time, and looking at breathtaking beauty/views constantly, we were surprised as a lone calf bison came running out of the trees right in front of us.

We parked the truck, grabbed our gear, and headed in the direction the calf ran. Within no time, we were greeted by the sights, sounds, and smells of rutting bison - what an absolute riot!! Wanting to ensure we killed a dry cow, and with my son's request to killed a "funky horned one" we pushed our luck a little too much and spooked the herd.

Deciding it was better to pursue them on foot, we headed after them.

Plant Military camouflage Plant community Tree Natural landscape
We caught up to the herd, right as they crossed into the trees on the far side of this meadow, if you look close, you can see the elk feeding in the middle of the pic.

Sky Cloud Plant Natural landscape Highland

We crossed the meadow and headed into the trees after them. The native we were hunting with told my son and I to be very alert as we walked into the trees, and if the bison start running, get off the trail. Truer words never existed. As we climbed through the trees, I had this feeling that we needed to stop. And, it wasn't because I had too many Little Debbies on the drive up ... but I very clear impression to stop. I told my son to hold up for just a second, when my son turned to look at me, his eyes were as big as baseballs. Unbeknownst to us, we had snuck past a bull bison and five cows, and were now exactly in between where they were and where they wanted to be. We all dove off the trail, and into the trees as the bison came flying up the trail to join the rest of the herd. Now, I've been around livestock and other animals all of my life, but see that bull and his cows coming right up the trail was hair-raising.

After regaining our composure, we continued up through the trees.
Bison are freaking huge and noisy, following them through the trees was a hoot. Even though we couldn't always see them, they were never out of earshot. The bison's pace slowed as they were more interested in feeding in the next meadow instead of fleeing. As we eased out into another meadow, we had our pick of the herd as they fed lazily. We looked over the herd and found a cow that would fit everything we were looking for. At 147 yards, my little man sent the 156 Berger EOL from his 6.5 PRC into the bison's heart. At the report of the rifle, she collapsed.

Cloud Plant Sky Tree People in nature

Sky Cloud Plant Tree Natural landscape
Overall, it was an experience of a lifetime! We began the process of breaking her down, took breaks to sit and enjoy the scenery, and took in the peacefulness of the mountain.

My wife and I started our family pretty early in life, and we had some challenges getting some babies full-term. At one point, I wondered if we would ever have children. Little did I know how my three children would change, and enrich my life. My little man turned 10 this year, and I can't wait to share many more adventures with him, and his two little sisters, as time goes on.

Plant Sky Cloud Smile Working animal
Very cool story CPAjeff. Those are memories he will be talking about when he is an old man. Well done!
Hell of a write up, Jeff! Congratulations on a full freezer and a memory your family won’t soon forget
The lowlands of the reservation quickly gave way to the higher cliffs and deep canyons. We climbed and climbed and climbed.

Cloud Shorts Sky Plant Plant community

Sky Plant Plant community Natural landscape Slope

Soon, we arrived at the top, changed clothes, and the hunt was on.

Cloud Sky Plant Natural landscape Tree

Sky Plant Cloud Larch Bedrock

Cloud Sky Mountain Natural landscape Highland
It truly is Gods country over there. Sounds like an amazing trip. Congratulations on the bison
Wow, great write-up and long lasting memories. Are you going to have to repeat the hunt for his sisters in the future? We are all going to be now researching bison hunts!

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