2021 Spring Turkey


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2018
Brookfield, WI
I’m a bit late, but I thought I’d post our 2021 turkey hunting recap. Both my kiddos tagged one during our youth season. My son’s second and my daughter’s first. We had access to some decent turkey ground but my Dad knew the neighboring land owner from little league baseball 60 years ago and gave him a call. We got the permission which got us access to some great turkey ground.
Loaded up
On our way
Getting ready
Success as he lay
Big bird
Pack out
Team turkey

We had good gobbling off the roost at first light but it got pretty quite once they flew down. About 6 am a big Tom slipped through the fence about 60 yards down. I worked him in to about 50 yards but he didn’t want to commit. Not a shot I wanted my little guy to try.

So as the first bird was skirting us, two more big toms slipped through the fence line. One started walking away and the other started coming in our direction. I called softly and after the first close call everything was set to go.

This Tom was also fairly cautious but he started working his way in closer than the first had. No gobbling but he strutted occasionally. Once he hit 35 yards I gave my little guy the green light. One shot and a bit of flopping and that was it. 26 pounds and just over 3/4 on the spurs. We were all done by 6:15 am.

The set up
Based on our experience on morning number one, we set up 40 yards down the fence line on morning number two. Unfortunately the birds didn’t stay on the same pattern. One of the big toms from the previous morning was roosted in the field behind us where I had hoped, but he had half a dozen hens with him this time. He spent a couple hours in the field behind us and when he and his hens finally started to move, they went east as opposed to west. This put them within 40 yards of where we had set up the day before, but 80 yards from our current position. Nuts!

I gave my Dad a call and told him he should drive out in to an adjacent field in hopes that it would spook the birds back our way. He drove up to within 30 yards of that Tom and his hens, but the Tom was determined to stay on his line and was about to walk right in front of the truck when his hen spooked. That was enough to turn the Tom and he started heading our way.

I felt we were in good shape when he popped into our field. He was 120 yards out and heading our way. At about 90 yards he stopped, turned 90 degrees, and started heading away. We were pretty disappointed until I started trying to figure out why he left so suddenly.

We had a consolation prizes heading our way. A couple of two year old toms and three jakes had quietly stepped in the field and were now only 60 yards away. They were definitely looking to check out our spread. They came through about 15 yards from the blind and after letting two jakes by one shot and the lead Tom folded right up. The best part was my Dad, who was not able to sit with us because of his disability, was able to assist and watch the whole thing happen from the truck.
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