2019 Wyoming Deer Day-by-Day

Randy: This was great. I agree that your day and trip was made before you even went on your hunt. I ended up watching the linked Aiden's Elk hunt that was on YouTube, and it was great as well. Thanks for all you do, and the example that you are for so many. You made that kid, and his families year I bet!!
What a great start, it’s going to be hard to beat. I can’t wait to see what Aiden has to say about the buck that you harvest.
Work worth doing BIG FIN! Wow the youtube video where he shoots the elk was as emotional as anything I ever saw on TV
Well done on showing everyone what it means to be a Great person and taking your time to visit with Aiden and family.
For anyone who hasn’t seen Aiden’s elk hunt Go watch it. It’s truly Amazing and shows what hunting is all about for many of us.
Randy: This was great. I agree that your day and trip was made before you even went on your hunt. I ended up watching the linked Aiden's Elk hunt that was on YouTube, and it was great as well. Thanks for all you do, and the example that you are for so many. You made that kid, and his families year I bet!!

Randy, that was really nice of you guys to stop and see Aiden. Looks like he enjoyed it too! They sure had some nice mounts on the wall!!
Comments above echo my thoughts, brilliant 1st episode.
I have to own up, as soon as Aiden said to look at his film I didn't complete yours until I finished watching his, doesn't it just put life into perspective, great job Randy and team.
Great first day but what's this only doing the hunts every other day?
Fun series so far. I'm curious...why the breaks between posting of videos? Earlier in the season, when you started a series there would be a new video each day until the hunt was complete. Now, its every other day - minus weekends. My presumption is there is some business logic or youtube algorithm that has lead you to this new posting format to increase view count or something?? Not a big deal, but I sure liked the earlier format where once a hunt series started I could plan on watching a video every day...it was consistent and more engaging. This new format...I sort of lose track of what was going on...I dunno...I'll still watch and enjoy every episode whether they come out every day or every 4th day, but if its not a definite benefit from the production side, count this viewer as one vote for the earlier day by day format. Anyways - just a little viewer feedback - love all the episodes and storylines.
I don't know but the cart wheel thing just didn't do it for me. I am very optimistic about episode number 5 on Wednesday ! Can't wait to watch it.
Love the day-by-day! I'm new to Hunt Talk and just recently began watching your videos on both amazon and youtube. Hands down, I have learned more from you and your show/content than any other outdoor program out there. You really do show how easy it is to take advantage of the hunting opportunity all the western states offer and more importantly how important our public lands really are. I will tell you that you are making a difference! I know this because you've helped me realize how much I'm missing out on outside of my home state of Colorado as well as realize that we all have to contribute to the cause to protect out public lands and hunting culture. You teaching me these lessons is proof that you are making difference, because I know I'm not the only one to you've made an impact on.

Huge Thanks from

I don't know but the cart wheel thing just didn't do it for me. I am very optimistic about episode number 5 on Wednesday ! Can't wait to watch it.
I was cracking up at the cartwheel thing! I was like darn it looks like a tough day. Then the camera guy goes well lets have a cartwheel contest and then when it actually happened I was loosing it lol
Ok, I have to admit I have been checking this thread daily waiting for Day # 4 to get posted, nothing, nothing, then I read about Cartwheels?? I must have missed something. I go back and watch the 3 episodes above , nope, no cartwheels. Then I get to the end of day 3 video and see the tab to click on the next episode..ahhHA! This dummy headed there now to watch that one, the truck will be really warm in the driveway before I get in it for work in a while :)

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