2018 AK Black Bear (Amazon Episode)

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Some of you watched the day-by-day version of this hunt. Some may have watched the final polished episode on Amazon since it went live last week. If you want to watch it on YouTube, here it is. @Spitz has a lucky horseshoe permanently implanted in his backside. If ever you get a chance to have him tag along on a hunt, jump on that opportunity.

That was a great episode! I know it's not like that all the time, but it made my really want to start seriously looking doing that hunt.

@Big Fin Are you able to give a rough cost estimate for a non-resident to do that hunt?
That was a great episode! I know it's not like that all the time, but it made my really want to start seriously looking doing that hunt.

@Big Fin Are you able to give a rough cost estimate for a non-resident to do that hunt?
I believe at one point I saw a thread with cost of a AK black bear hunt broken down by fin. I could be wrong but I'm sure that thread is still available somewhere on here

Edit: here it is: https://www.hunttalk.com/threads/alaska-black-bear-hunt-logistics-2-000-video.269556/
Truly an incredible, impossible-to-duplicate hunting/camping/fishing adventure! Wow, what amazing wild and beautiful water and country. As you searched for that bear, my heart sank having watched the episode where your spirits were low in losing a wounded bear in Alaska. It was as though I were there when Marcus found the bear and I was elated. That was superb entertainment for me. Ever longing to visit Alaska, that vicarious adventure was great. Thank-you.
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