Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

160 tags taken from WY Pronghorn hunters

I got two responses:

Thanks for the well written note
Fair for all
Joe MacGuire HD 35


Thanks. Congrats to your daughter on her nice doe. We’ve taught all 3 of our daughters to hunt too.

Jim Allen

So they are reading them!
What area(s) are the tags for? Thinking perhaps including some math on the revenue for tags would be beneficial to include...
<<<edit>>> according to the One Shot website areas are 65, 66, 67, 68, and 106.

Something I will add to my email, the zones of the One Shot Hunt require AT LEAST 5 points to draw for a non-res and residents are less than 50% draw.
Something I will add to my email, the zones of the One Shot Hunt require AT LEAST 5 points to draw for a non-res and residents are less than 50% draw.

It would be bad enough if all the units didn't take any points to draw for NRs and were 100% for the residents, but knowing that information makes it even more relevant to get rid of that set aside instead of adding another 60!
Emails sent all.

If you really want to give this some negative press and have the balls to do so, someone should send that pic to the huff post or some other lib rag.
Emails sent all.

If you really want to give this some negative press and have the balls to do so, someone should send that pic to the huff post or some other lib rag.

Funny you say that. I listened to the podcast on my way home and was talking to wife afterwards and she said the same thing.
Emails sent all.

If you really want to give this some negative press and have the balls to do so, someone should send that pic to the huff post or some other lib rag.

Buzz & folks need to work with these politicians on all kinds of hunter issues, best not to burn bridges.
Buzz & folks need to work with these politicians on all kinds of hunter issues, best not to burn bridges.

If Buzz doesn't send the email, will he care he still is working with these people or will he giggle?

I'd giggle. Free pass to Buzz.
And here is what I just got from Mr. Allen:

Yet another form letter.

Best Regards,

I wrote mine from scratch, but apparently by posting mine as an example in this thread, enough HTers must have just cut-n-paste to irritate Mr. Allen. Next time let's do a little more editing from the templates or examples post here.

On the bright side, they are hearing us.
Great work by all...this one is going to be close.

I have heard that at least 2 amendments are going to be introduced in the house committee...we'll see. In the meantime applying all the pressure we can to this bill is the best move.

I'm also hearing that, no matter which way this bill goes, there will likely be litigation. Its a hot button issue...and contentious.

In my mind, it would make a lot of sense to just do away with set asides, and let those that want to conducts hunt to carry on their "traditions" with tags they draw. You know, the same way the rest of us hunters do. Us average guys who pay for 100% of the GF budget now that the legislature took all general funding away last session.

I was told last night that I need to jump into 2018, since that's just not the way its done now. Set asides must be there or the business model of these two hunts will be in jeopardy. I used a line that I've heard here from Randy, "If you base you business model on a public asset, don't be surprised if the public wants to have a say in that, and that they may not agree"...

The one thing I know, that I've always known, is what's fair from what isn't, and what's right and what's wrong. I will never be convinced that granting special privileges of our resources to 160 hunters is ever right, or fair...and I don't care how worthy the "cause".

I've never asked for special treatment when it comes to hunting, just an equal place in line with everyone else.

BTW, the hunters here really are stand-up people that make a difference and I appreciate that to no end.

Thank you for all that have written emails.
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Here is a "business model" of 2018....................... I didn't draw an antelope tag in Wyoming this year. However, I did take 3 days and drove my kid all the way up there just to be a apart of an Wyoming antelope hunt so he could experience coyotes at night, rabbits running in the ditch, sun so hot it feels like it will melt you until suddenly the sun tips down and gives the best sunset you've nearly ever seen............ A preferred business model if you ask me.
Somewhat snarky of that rep to complain about a form letter while people are pressed for time at work making money to be able to afford a NR Wyoming antelope hunt, Just saying.
Somewhat snarky of that rep to complain about a form letter while people are pressed for time at work making money to be able to afford a NR Wyoming antelope hunt, Just saying.

Yep, and especially when a lot of them send us form letters back or don't even acknowledge they received ours!