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  1. TheBenHoyle

    Ben's semi-live 2024 hunt thread

    It's Tim e to start the 2024 hunt thread. I went out yesterday for coyote. I really don't know what I am doing, so my strategy it just to be out in the woods and hope that my call will bring one in. So far I have been unsuccessful and this year was no different. But I got to spend some time...
  2. TheBenHoyle

    Ben's 2023 Semi-Live Hunt Log

    I might as well start my 2023 Semi-Live Hunt Log. Next week I am planning on going on a hunt/scout. It will be a coyote hunt on some public land that is also a spot that I have a spring turkey tag for. Hoping to hike a few miles, look for sign and maybe do a few different sets for coyotes. As...
  3. TheBenHoyle

    Ben's 2022 Semi-live Hunt Log

    It's that time of year where I need to start my annual hunt log. In 2 days my first Illinois turkey tag will be valid and I will be out to get a Tom. I haven't been able to connect with a turkey since 2018 so I am really hoping to get it done this spring. I'm contemplating taking Friday off...
  4. TheBenHoyle

    feedback sought: hunting with an outfitter for whitetail

    So I have a friend who is trying to get me interested in hunting next season though a hunting lodge with an outfitter. It would be a $2K+ price tag for a 4 day outfitted hunt (fair chase) on private land with food and lodging provided. I'm not necessarily against the idea and I feel like I...
  5. TheBenHoyle

    Anyone do leatherwork with tanned hides?

    I do a littler bit of leatherwork and I have saved the hides from my first two bucks. Hoping to make something out of them. Maybe a jacket... Anyone else do any leatherwork with their hides? I'm having trouble finding resources for patterns and the like that aren't old fashioned Wild Bill Hickok...
  6. TheBenHoyle

    Ben's 2021 Semi-live hunt log

    Well its is that time of year for me to start my annual hunt log. I could have started it earlier, but the past several weeks have been very un-hunty. But anticipation is high for me because I am going out this Saturday to attempt a coyote hunt with my good buddy. He and I have been trying to...
  7. TheBenHoyle

    Wisconsin fall turkey hunting questions

    I am going to get a chance to go fall turkey hunting in Wisconsin and I had a question that I can't seem to get an answer from the WI DNR website. Is it legal to hunt with a shotgun in Wisconsin during the fall season? I'm from Illinois and we have a long (Oct-Jan) fall archery turkey season and...
  8. TheBenHoyle

    My first buck Euro mount complete, finally

    I am an adult onset hunter and I finally got a deer after 2.5 seasons of hunting. It was a young buck that I took with my bow back in 2018. I posted that story on Hunt Talk, but I wanted to share the picture of the Euro mount that I finally finished mounting. That's the finished project...
  9. TheBenHoyle

    What to do with a single horn?

    So I got this single horn from an acquaintance. He said it was from a bison and there was a Euro bison skull in the room that was lacking it's horns, so I assumed the horn was truly from that mount. I sanded it and waxed it to give it a nice shine, but now I want to do something neat with it...
  10. TheBenHoyle

    Solo waterfowl hunting in a kayak or canoe?

    Any of you use a kayak to go waterfowl hunting? If so, do you have a specific kayak you like and how do you go about camouflaging yourself/kayak? I am also interested in thoughts on canoe waterfowling, but it is more likely I will be going out solo so a kayak is more likely what I would use...
  11. TheBenHoyle

    Ben's 2020 Semi-live hunt log

    I just confirmed that I will be going out on Saturday for some late season archery hunting in that little stand of woods I have been hunting the last 2 seasons. I should have northwest winds at 10 mph and it should be partly sunny after a Friday evening and overnight snow/rain. Looking forward...
  12. TheBenHoyle

    Doe problems

    I just heard this one, I'm sure it's not new, but I thought I'd share it. Doe walks out of the treeline saying, "That's the last time I do that for 2 bucks."
  13. TheBenHoyle

    Favorite Arrow?

    OK, so I think I am creating a baseball player-esque superstition in that even though I have 6 hunting arrows in my quiver, I always reach for good old number 3 first. I have taken two deer and a squirrel with my bow and it has always been with my #3 arrow. I suppose I could start using a...
  14. TheBenHoyle

    Ben's 2019 Semi-live hunt log

    Well, it's probably a month before I get to do any hunting, but I bought my Illinois archery deer and turkey tags so it feels like the season starts now. Here's a little run down of my plans: I have a lead on a new place to possibly do some September Canada goose hunting, which would be a...
  15. TheBenHoyle

    Spotting Elk

    I heard this joke and had to modify it a little for this forum. Q: Why don't you ever see Elk hiding high up in tree branches? A: Because they are SO GOOD AT IT!
  16. TheBenHoyle

    Collapsible fishing rod

    I am hoping some of you experienced fishermen can give me direction. I am looking for a good fishing rod that is truly collapsible. Maybe something designed for backpacking. I looked at Bass Pro last summer and I couldn't find anything that was really collapsible, which surprised me. They had...
  17. TheBenHoyle

    Semi-live Illinois 2019 Turkey hunting thread

    Guys, I've got a serious case of the fidgets. In just about 40 hours I'll be out under a tree somewhere waiting for old tom to meet my new shotgun. I have a tag for this weekend and I am hoping for success on Saturday, because I will have some trouble getting out for any type of hunt on Easter...
  18. TheBenHoyle

    The joy of shooting a bow

    I had taken a little hiatus from shooting my bow after deer/turkey archery season ended, mainly because it is so cold and dark when I get home from work. But I forced myself to go out and shoot last night and I was struck by just how much I enjoy shooting my bow. During the season I practice but...
  19. TheBenHoyle

    Turkey hunting in Tennessee?

    Hey guys, just looking for some real-world knowledge from anyone who might have it and be willing to share. It has been a few years since I have had a chance to go turkey hunting with my dad because he has gotten so busy in his retirement. In Illinois you have to apply in December for week-long...
  20. TheBenHoyle

    TheBenHoyle's 2018 Fall hunts (Turkey, Deer, Waterfowl)

    Just as a way of introduction, I am an Illinois hunter chasing turkeys, deer and waterfowl this fall. I'm 42, but I didn't really start hunting until my mid 30s and this will only be my 3rd season after deer. I have yet to get one. My season is just about to start, with shotgun turkey the...