Recent content by Wolf Murder

  1. Wolf Murder

    Something smells fishy about Montana Elk Hunt..

    You're sick :eek:
  2. Wolf Murder

    Something smells fishy about Montana Elk Hunt..

    LOL! That was some funny stuff right there! Especially the "amazing tail" part :)
  3. Wolf Murder

    Something smells fishy about Montana Elk Hunt..

    Nope, not a member of any organization, occasionally watch FOX News, and don't sleep with a night light on. Let me guess on you now: You are a member of the ACLU, watch gay midget porn, and you sleep with wolves?
  4. Wolf Murder

    Shoot the wolves

    Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Looks like there are more than a couple of wolf "Poachers" :D
  5. Wolf Murder

    Something smells fishy about Montana Elk Hunt..

    Well, that's sure a nice bull. Congrats. And the last one left! Man you got lucky. I like your analysis of right and left wing wackos. I love packing a pistol when I'm in the woods, but not around town. I'm 5'8", 160 lbs, 30 years old, and I work for a large, multi-state company in accounting...
  6. Wolf Murder

    Something smells fishy about Montana Elk Hunt..

    Thanks for the info. I guess that's good to know:)
  7. Wolf Murder

    Something smells fishy about Montana Elk Hunt..

    Naw, I think I'd rather put some lead through their guts. A lot more fun. Besides, what do you have against right wing people anyways? I take it you lean to the left. Couldn't be a straight shooter then :D Here's my pic - how bout yours? I should hopefully have a better one after this weekend.
  8. Wolf Murder

    Something smells fishy about Montana Elk Hunt..

    I tell you what shoots-straight: When we're in heaven looking down on our poor grandchildren, I will bitch slap you back to earth so they can kick your ass since they aren't allowed to hunt or own guns. And, if I'm wrong - you can bitch slap me back to earth :D My statements have nothing to do...
  9. Wolf Murder

    2009 Deer Mount

    What a GIANT! Nice work. Congrats on a true wallhanger.
  10. Wolf Murder

    Something smells fishy about Montana Elk Hunt..

    Damn! I still didn't get it. Maybe this time. Yeah, running dogs are hard to hit. I just hit the quote button at the bottom, but obviously that hasn't been working for me :D Perfect weather up here for hunting - I'm getting out Fri - Sun. Hopefully have something down cause Mama's been lonely...
  11. Wolf Murder

    Something smells fishy about Montana Elk Hunt..

    ... to start a quote use : at the end instead of a nice quote. (fact) ....Lesson was free this time Amigo !!! :D Thanks for the advice - I was having a hell of a time with that hombre :)
  12. Wolf Murder

    Something smells fishy about Montana Elk Hunt..

    We didn't reach our quota - so - live up to your screen name and quit shooting crooked: 2009 Quota - 75, 2009 wolves killed by hunters - 72. In what post did I ever mention scare...
  13. Wolf Murder

    Something smells fishy about Montana Elk Hunt..

    [I've seen wolves, hear them all the time when out hunting, and had them run by us as well. I know they do put the hurt to the game. But packing sidearms and scared to death ? No way. Moosie - Not being sarcastic here, but really? Had wolves "run" by you? A little different than 6-10 wolves...
  14. Wolf Murder

    Missouri Public Land Monster Buck

    What a GIANT!!! Congrats!!!! It'll be tough to top that one!

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