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  1. Wolf Murder

    Something smells fishy about Montana Elk Hunt..

    You're sick :eek:
  2. Wolf Murder

    Something smells fishy about Montana Elk Hunt..

    LOL! That was some funny stuff right there! Especially the "amazing tail" part :)
  3. Wolf Murder

    Something smells fishy about Montana Elk Hunt..

    Nope, not a member of any organization, occasionally watch FOX News, and don't sleep with a night light on. Let me guess on you now: You are a member of the ACLU, watch gay midget porn, and you sleep with wolves?
  4. Wolf Murder

    Shoot the wolves

    Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Looks like there are more than a couple of wolf "Poachers" :D
  5. Wolf Murder

    Something smells fishy about Montana Elk Hunt..

    Well, that's sure a nice bull. Congrats. And the last one left! Man you got lucky. I like your analysis of right and left wing wackos. I love packing a pistol when I'm in the woods, but not around town. I'm 5'8", 160 lbs, 30 years old, and I work for a large, multi-state company in accounting...
  6. Wolf Murder

    Something smells fishy about Montana Elk Hunt..

    Thanks for the info. I guess that's good to know:)
  7. Wolf Murder

    Something smells fishy about Montana Elk Hunt..

    Naw, I think I'd rather put some lead through their guts. A lot more fun. Besides, what do you have against right wing people anyways? I take it you lean to the left. Couldn't be a straight shooter then :D Here's my pic - how bout yours? I should hopefully have a better one after this weekend.
  8. Wolf Murder

    Something smells fishy about Montana Elk Hunt..

    I tell you what shoots-straight: When we're in heaven looking down on our poor grandchildren, I will bitch slap you back to earth so they can kick your ass since they aren't allowed to hunt or own guns. And, if I'm wrong - you can bitch slap me back to earth :D My statements have nothing to do...
  9. Wolf Murder

    2009 Deer Mount

    What a GIANT! Nice work. Congrats on a true wallhanger.
  10. Wolf Murder

    Something smells fishy about Montana Elk Hunt..

    Damn! I still didn't get it. Maybe this time. Yeah, running dogs are hard to hit. I just hit the quote button at the bottom, but obviously that hasn't been working for me :D Perfect weather up here for hunting - I'm getting out Fri - Sun. Hopefully have something down cause Mama's been lonely...
  11. Wolf Murder

    Something smells fishy about Montana Elk Hunt..

    ... to start a quote use : at the end instead of a nice quote. (fact) ....Lesson was free this time Amigo !!! :D Thanks for the advice - I was having a hell of a time with that hombre :)
  12. Wolf Murder

    Something smells fishy about Montana Elk Hunt..

    We didn't reach our quota - so - live up to your screen name and quit shooting crooked: 2009 Quota - 75, 2009 wolves killed by hunters - 72. In what post did I ever mention scare...
  13. Wolf Murder

    Something smells fishy about Montana Elk Hunt..

    [I've seen wolves, hear them all the time when out hunting, and had them run by us as well. I know they do put the hurt to the game. But packing sidearms and scared to death ? No way. Moosie - Not being sarcastic here, but really? Had wolves "run" by you? A little different than 6-10 wolves...
  14. Wolf Murder

    Missouri Public Land Monster Buck

    What a GIANT!!! Congrats!!!! It'll be tough to top that one!
  15. Wolf Murder

    Something smells fishy about Montana Elk Hunt..

    Actually, that article about the gal who threatened her ex and a friend to perform a "sexual favor" was pretty damn funny too. I can't remember which forum it was in but I think it was the fireside.
  16. Wolf Murder

    Something smells fishy about Montana Elk Hunt..

    This is the funniest thing I've read all year! Thanks for the laugh sweetnectar! My belly hurts :)
  17. Wolf Murder

    MT Mulies

    Nice bucks and some great country. All about the memories you'll remember when you're old! Nice work.
  18. Wolf Murder

    Shoot the wolves

    Oh gosh - I better not touch that one ;) Just an FYI, seeing that you are from Idaho, the story on how I came up with my screen name involves the guy who shot the first wolf in Idaho when the first season opened. All the bunny strokers sent him hate mail/death threats etc, and one of the quotes...
  19. Wolf Murder

    Shoot the wolves

    KMF, Right on the money buddy. Shoot the hell out of them and do not tell a soul. Not even your best friend. The numbers are waaaayyyy worse than everyone lets on. Those damn wolves are really putting dents in the game populations. And forget about Jackass's like Jose Queervo - have you seen...
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