Sitka Pre Season Savings

Wyoming Bighorns Cow


Active member
Jan 23, 2012
North Dakota
Now that the leftover list is out I am looking at picking up a cow tag for the Bighorns. Instead of just generically asking for “tips but not anyone’s honey holes” I was hoping I could let you guys know what I have come up with on my own and let me know if I am heading down the right direction.

I have been doing online research and looking at maps over the last month or so. I began by looking at the east side units and of units 35-38 only 36 and 37 have leftover type 6 licenses available on forest land. I like that 37 opens Oct 1st which would allow it to work with an antelope hunt I have planned. 37 is open before October, but is only open off forest except north of Wolf Ck trail. This is a very small amount of huntable FS land. I would like to hunt as far from the road as possible, even backpack as I am looking for a good adventure as well as filling the freezer, which is limited as I am a noresident and cannot hunt the wilderness. Looking at the Forest Map and MVUM map 37 has numerous roads and motorized trails and I have read that there are many ATVs during the hunting season. My plan is to go back into the few areas that only have non-motorized trail access and hope I do not find ATVs up and down those trails.

So am I heading down the right path or do I have to rethink my plan?
I have never hunted the bighorns but your analysis sounds good. God luck. I hope your boots are comfortable.
I'm in the same boat, tried to draw 38 but failed. 37 is a decent unit but it is really hard to get away from people and all of the atv folks driving every bit of road that exists there. Good luck.

And I second the boots, rough and steep country is easy to find.
I am confident that I will definitely be in shape to handle the Bighorns. I think I have decided to go with 37 if I can pick up a leftover tag. Now I just need to take a closer look at the quad maps and Google Earth.

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