WY HB286

They ought to just hire you, fire the rest, and we'd be good to go.
No. I think game commissioners should write quotas and seasons. Not an individual person.

How about you and BHA? Who do you think should write game quotas and seasons?
No. I think game commissioners should write quotas and seasons. Not an individual person.

How about you and BHA? Who do you think should write game quotas and seasons?
I think you should, you're an expert on everything. Can read between the lines, walk on water and kill 15-29 lions a year with your buddies.

I bow down...
I think you should, you're an expert on everything. Can read between the lines, walk on water and kill 15-29 lions a year with your buddies.

I bow down...
Just so that we're all clear on this: Is it the official position of BHA that state legislatures should write game seasons and quotas instead of commissioners...or just you?
It's incredible to me that hunters still point to lions as the culprit for declining mule deer populations when WY has winter kills with 30-50% doe mortality and 100% fawn mortality in recent years.

If lions weren't the issue when deer populations were better and lion quotas existed, then exterminating them won't solve the winterkill problem.

If your feet are cold because you aren't wearing boots, putting on an extra pair of gloves won't solve the problem.

When have the majority of hunters not blamed predators, even when studies and best available data suggest otherwise? Its easy, convenient, and does a good job of ruining hunter credibility with other stakeholder groups.
I'd hold back a little on the harsh criticism towards Schmid. He is one of the few G&F Commissioners who truly listened and asked questions of me in 40+ years of involvement with these kinds of issues. Has it crossed your mind this bill is a wake up call to G&F that something needs to change, even if only temporarily, with lion management?

I was a dedicated lion hunter for 15 years and it has been routine for the G&F to use information gathered from houndsman to manage lions. They truly do not know how many there are. They are beginning to understand that unlimited quotas, year long seasons and harvest rates don't affect the populations of big cats in many areas of Wyoming. Folks sympathetic with the plight of mule deer in Wyoming are fed up with the lack of willingness to put more pressure on lions. Maybe, this bill will move that needle. Trust me, from my 15 years of experience hunting lions, they kill a lot of mule deer. I'm frankly tired of G&F providing enough lions to satisfy houndsman who care only about having a track to run every time they go looking. Our mule deer herds are at record lows for modern times in many areas and that makes every doe mortality a big deal.
The only thing that has crossed my mind is this is an attempt by the Legislature to strip management authority away from the game and fish commission.
If you think this is a good precedent and behavior that should be supported by hunters then good on ya pal. Not my cup of tea.
The only thing that has crossed my mind is this is an attempt by the Legislature to strip management authority away from the game and fish commission.
If you think this is a good precedent and behavior that should be supported by hunters then good on ya pal. Not my cup of tea.
Did you sign up to testify tomorrow?

The TRW committee would welcome your testimony, make your case.

I think I know a few guys who are tired of being the only ones showing up for anything.
The only thing that has crossed my mind is this is an attempt by the Legislature to strip management authority away from the game and fish commission.
If you think this is a good precedent and behavior that should be supported by hunters then good on ya pal. Not my cup of tea.
I guess it's not your cup of tea to understand what others write. You can make it up as you go then.

" Has it crossed your mind this bill is a wake up call to G&F that something needs to change, even if only temporarily, with lion management?"
Had enough of your mouth there, Sport.

Put a sock in it and pull your head out.

What I'm for in regard to lions is more opportunity via trapping as a legal means of take.

I still want a season, still want quotas, still want a license requirement...both lion tags, and a trappers license if we allow trapping.

I already gave you the reasons why it makes sense.

What you want is exactly what every other whining hound hunters wants, to spend an hour finding a track from the seat of a truck. I had to listen to this same shit for 15 years in Montana from hound hunters. They threw a temper tantrum over allowing deer and elk hunters to shoot them incidentally. Their high pitched whining about quotas filling too fast still hovers in space over the FWP building on Spurgin road. "We burned 4 tanks of gas and never cut a track". The list goes on and on.

Meanwhile I couldn't keep lions out of my bobcat sets that, heaven forbid, I had to hike a 1/2-1 mile to. I wish the crying hound hunters would have gotten out of the truck to look for tracks, I probably wouldn't have needed a catch pole a few times a year. They probably wouldn't have had to burn 4 tanks of fuel to cut a track either.

You need to stop with the BHA crap too, I'm not going to put up with your nonsense. You're stating things that are a flat lie. Grow up, and any time you want to become a WY resident and take over as BHA co-chair here, you can have at it. I'll sling BS accusations at you all day long.

I sure hope you're calling in to tomorrows TRW meeting to set Wyoming straight on how we need to manage lions.
Always entertaining!
Just so that we're all clear on this: Is it the official position of BHA that state legislatures should write game seasons and quotas instead of commissioners...or just you?
It seems disingenuous to keep asking a question that has no basis in anything that was said in this thread. His username is BuzzH, not WyomingBHA.
Interestingly, look at the mule deer harvest for 2014, 2015 and 2016. Now compare that to 2022, the year after we slaughtered all this pesky deer killin' cats.

So, yes, I stand behind my statement that it was a giant rise in cat killing in SE Idaho that didn't amount to better deer populations. Hence me saying that the lions aren't the main issue here. Winter kill from harsh winter combined with human encroachment on wintering grounds are the problem.
You allowed only one year after the quotas were eliminated to say that killing more lions failed to result in a rise in deer population. Seems like a bit of a tight timeline to see any effect. By the same logic I could say that eliminating doe harvest hasn't resulted in a rise in deer populations so we might as well start that back up again. Once again, I agreed with you that lions are not the cause of population declines. Increasing predator harvest at a time when deer populations are low is a tool similar to reducing anterless harvest by hunters. It is a tool meant to alleviate pressure on a depressed population and try to accelerate population growth. It is not that hard to understand. No one is calling for the extirpation of mountain lions and your use of the word slaughter is extremely hyperbolic.

Realistically, even with a 365 day season, how many hound hunters do you know that will be out there in the spring and summer months chasing lions? Maybe like you say, Wyoming just needs to increase quotas and not extend the season length. I'll leave that to Wyoming to decide.
My oh my, with all the concern about this bill, I would have thought someone would have posted that bill didn't go anywhere and is dead.
It seems disingenuous to keep asking a question that has no basis in anything that was said in this thread. His username is BuzzH, not WyomingBHA.
No, the question is legitimate and I am legitimately curious if BHA disregards the tenants of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation to the point where they are ok with legislatures setting big game quotas and big game seasons. I legitimately would like to know that answer, and to me, asking their leader is a logical place to start. Buzz seems to not care about the process as long as he agrees with the outcome. At a personal level, we can agree to disagree on that. However, I find it telling he won't answer on behalf of the organization he runs.

The only disingenuous part is him answering a legitimate question with clown emojis, pictures of Hooked on Phonics books and your momma jokes.
You allowed only one year after the quotas were eliminated to say that killing more lions failed to result in a rise in deer population. Seems like a bit of a tight timeline to see any effect.
Sorry, I should have indicated that it would be pertinent to look not only at 2021, but also 2022, and 2023.Screenshot_20250204-105824.png
I don't agree with the process, even though the bill is dead.

I also don't agree with something as radical as stripping all quotas and seasons for a big game animal. I also don't think putting gloves on my hands will solve the problem of cold feet.
No, the question is legitimate and I am legitimately curious if BHA disregards the tenants of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation to the point where they are ok with legislatures setting big game quotas and big game seasons. I legitimately would like to know that answer, and to me, asking their leader is a logical place to start. Buzz seems to not care about the process as long as he agrees with the outcome. At a personal level, we can agree to disagree on that. However, I find it telling he won't answer on behalf of the organization he runs.

The only disingenuous part is him answering a legitimate question with clown emojis, pictures of Hooked on Phonics books and your momma jokes.
As per usual, you're full or crap, but hey, what's new?

Why bother to waste political capital and valuable time on a bill that you know is going nowhere? This one, the grizzly bear bill, etc. all DOA.

Its almost as if BHA has a lobbyist in Cheyenne that keeps up to speed on these issues or something...strange?
Sorry, I should have indicated that it would be pertinent to look not only at 2021, but also 2022, and 2023.View attachment 359620
I don't agree with the process, even though the bill is dead.

I also don't agree with something as radical as stripping all quotas and seasons for a big game animal. I also don't think putting gloves on my hands will solve the problem of cold feet.
Don't need to strip quotas and seasons , just add trapping as a legal method of take. Put a quota on trap catches too, we get 2 max take now without trapping.
Don't need to strip quotas and seasons , just add trapping as a legal method of take. Put a quota on trap catches too, we get 2 max take now without trapping.
I think commissioners should determine means of take changes as well, but if it were my state, I wouldn't be against adding trapping within established quotas and seasons. Trappers need support too.

I think walking up to a trap with a lion in it would be pretty wild!