WTB Montana Beaver Pelts


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2021
Not sure if there are any Montana trappers out there, but I am looking to pick up some local beaver pelts for some mittens and hats I want to make my kids. I would prefer them to be Montana trapped. Not sure what feedback this may get, but I thought I would check and see what is out there.

I would prefer tanned but I have tanned a few skins before so I could tan them myself.
Bumping this - I am in the Missoula area for a week and would love to take a few furs off of someone if they are willing. Thanks
And in a super long shot, I was emailing with a guy named Sam out of Missoula who has a dog named (Kona - I’m pretty sure Kona is his dogs name) who traps local beavers. The email I was using isn’t working - anyone happen to know a Sam in the Missoula area that traps?
Bumping this because I am hoping that there is someone out there who trapped a bunch of beaver this fall who has a few extra pelts that they hopefully wouldn’t mind sending my way so I can stay busy this summer trying out patterns and sewing techniques….. a guy can hope at least.
I think most guys have probably sold all their pelts by now.
Well shoot - I was hoping that wasn’t the case but I think you might be right. If nothing pops up maybe I’ll practice on some faux fur this year and try to find some people who would be willing to offload fur to me instead of a commercial buyer earlier in the year. Thanks

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