
Awesome! Thanks Moosie! Now where to start with the pics! Anyone know a host site that has unlimited outside posting? Photobucket will only allow so many pics to be posted on other sites before they start dissapearing.
hmm..did u notice your also a moderator yb?...that means you have to produce! Not sure on the other pic hosting sites maybe create two photobucket accounts??
for now, until we figure out what were going to do on hosting pictures, use the attachment option when you make a post, it will store the pic automatically.

One thing I do ask is not to link attached pics from this site to other websites and forums cause it kills the bandwidth.

WHen we finally get things straight and going you wont loose any pics I will save them all on a back up

hey dewl..its tuff to use the file manager when the limit is 30 sumthin k.. most my pics are close to 100k..anyway to change that?
Hang on I thought I changed that atachment deal to 200 k last time. I will look, maybe oscars been playing

it says file size is too big..the maximum size is 37k ...let me make sure on that
I shall produce! Headed out tomorrow to do some shed hunting for elk and deer....might get a few on video in the rut.
When I get off work I will take some pics and post some up
hunter cameron said:
Hey that is a rip off . Can I be a moderator Delw please ? Tell me what you want me to be . Let me know if I can be one
Hey Cameron, Stick around and maybe somethnig can be done. It's just like rnning a group of people in an office. It takes some "seniority", "pacience" and "'dedikation" (Notice I didn't say Spelling ;) )

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