Iran Says It Will Never Scrap Nuke Program


New member
Nov 28, 2001
I am wondering with this type of statements from them, if they won't be next? :)

Iran Says It Will Never Scrap Nuke Program

(AP) - Iran will never scrap its nuclear program, and talks with Europeans are intended to protect the country's nuclear achievements, not negotiate an end to them, an Iranian official said Wednesday. The remarks by Ali Agha Mohammadi, spokesman of Iran's powerful Supreme National Security Council, are the latest in a hardening of his country's stance amid ongoing talks with European negotiators. They also reflect Tehran's possible frustration at the lack of progress.
Can you say: "INCOMING"? Dubya made it clear to Iranians that we will assist them if they decide to change their government. Would not surprise me to see the Europeans take out the nuke plant to redeem their posture in the world. They are looking pretty frail right now.
ringer said:
Can you say: "INCOMING"? Dubya made it clear to Iranians that we will assist them if they decide to change their government. Would not surprise me to see the Europeans take out the nuke plant to redeem their posture in the world. They are looking pretty frail right now.

I seriously doubt the EU will ever take out the nuke facilities, it would be nice but unlikely. I think that will come down to Israel or the US and Britain. I work with some Iranians and they say that sooner or later the general population will overthrow the Gov, I think they might be bolstered by some airsrikes on the nuke facilities by the USA. We will never invade Iran but I am not sure we will ever have to.
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