here kitty (scary lion hunt video)

Hell of a video, That guy either needs to learn to shoot better or get a larger gun or maybe both. That would sure make a guy ruin a good pair of underware. :eek:
Looks an awfull lot like a canned hunt to me. Guys shooting sucked and are awfull dangerous. Think they got what was coming to them.
I heard it was a canned hunt also--it's been out for about 6 months at least--still it would make you pucker---chris
That clip has been around for quite some time. It is just to bad the lion didn't do more damage,piss poor shooting :BLEEP: |oo |oo |oo "Canned Hunt"
I am sure that JJ Hack is sickened by this type of shit, not hunting by any sense, just shooting a pinned animal, SAD :( :(
I went to another site not the original one I got the link from, but at graybeards and JJhack posted his thoughts, here is the link if anybody is interested-
I really respect his opinions, many years ago he gave me great advice on black bear hunting. Most guys who have done half of the hunting as he has are so arrogant and full of themselves, and they talk down to weekend warriors like me, not JJ though great guy. JerryM
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