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  1. mojoe


    I bet none of your friends have one of those... Cool!
  2. mojoe

    Lights at camp?

    The water jug looks like a great idea.I have always found a fire to be great for lighting around camp. I heard you can cook on it too!
  3. mojoe


    We have a bunch of skulls. All my cousins, niece and nephew have gator tooth neclaces. Getting my wife a purse made professionally this year. Lets hope its ready for christmas! My buddy got a 10' 10" last night. Almost sunk the boat. The gator bit the side and bottom at the same time and put 2...
  4. mojoe


    In Florida, by far the most common way is to sneak up in a little boat and throw a treble hook over them on a heavy fishing pole. Then attach a harpoon and kill with a bang stick. Some bows/crossbows. Some run and gun harpooning. On private land you can shoot them. Public hunts = No guns allowed...
  5. mojoe


    Yeah 9' 4". Swamp people narrartor is dillusional. We often wonder if most people know how far over he estimates weights.
  6. mojoe

    Anyone looking for elk partner - Taylor Fork?

    Sorry guys: What is a "dh"? I'm new to elk hunting and don't want to misuse the term.
  7. mojoe

    Sickness help

    Interesting. I just thought this was normal. So you say the symptoms can go away? Sure hope not!
  8. mojoe


    First gator of the season last night....
  9. mojoe


    When I was a kid, I spent a lot of time throwing skum frogs in the thick stuff. Bass love 'em, so do small gators and water mocassins. Got some good bass. Lost a few frogs to the snakes. Never got a big gator that way, but it sure is a cool hit!
  10. mojoe

    butchering elk

    Never killed an elk. But I have been doing my whitetails same way for years. Tenderloins come right out. Just reach in with your hand (from the back just below the ribs)and feel the whole muscle. Then cut at bottom and top and pull it out. Seems like it would be easier on an elk 'cuz the hard...
  11. mojoe

    Elk hunting in Montana for a Brit?

    Start documenting now. Take pictures or video now. At the range. With you first elk call. As you pack.... The adventure has already started. I started doing that last year with my wife. Just little clips of randomness before our hunts. She put it all together with the video I took during out...
  12. mojoe


    The way they do it on swamp people is very different than how we do it here in Florida. First off, no guns allowed in the boat. Second, no hooks with bait and no unattended lines. Check the rules to see how they do it and what you are interested in, it varries state by state. But snatch hookinh...
  13. mojoe


    Nice lizard!
  14. mojoe


    John, Where did you put in for? Results in Fla. have been out for months.
  15. mojoe

    Western Culture?

    I am not bringing a 4-wheeler. I am wondering about others.
  16. mojoe


    Our gator season starts next Wed. Any body else getting ready to kil a lizard? Here are some from previous years:
  17. mojoe

    Western Culture?

    Anyone know the rules on 4 wheelers there? Map says only prohibited in a couple of areas, but the girl at the forestry office said they have to stay on existing roads just like trucks.
  18. mojoe

    Western Culture?

    Thanks again. I will try to tke it easy first off. Pretty excited though. Any recomendations as to good restaurants in the southern end of Carson? We wil be headed that way in and I always enjoy local owned, unique places. As for never coming to Florida, you are missing out. Just come to do...
  19. mojoe

    Western Culture?

    Thanks again.
  20. mojoe

    Western Culture?

    "Just don't let the vastness get to you" ? The vastness and what we find is what I'm hoping lingers long after we return. I hope it gets to me!