PEAX Equipment

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  1. easeup

    Javelina: What's to know?

    and I forgot to mention....they can't see. if the wind is right, you can walk right up to them
  2. easeup

    Javelina: What's to know?

    javi they got fleas too
  3. easeup

    Family Christmas Card Pictures

    nice job mrs. lawnboy.... and Merry Christmas!
  4. easeup

    Four Religious Truths

    The truths That is too funny. ROLOL!!!
  5. easeup

    Colorado Filming Permit Denied

    BLM lock out on a similar note, as a NR I have found BLM lands to be much more difficult to gain access to thatn NF lands. The publication of access to BLM is always some what secret it seems. Most times when I have looked into them(not associated with RFW) there are locks on the property...