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  1. Brookie

    Your favorite trout picture

    I am liking these threads where everyone shares a pic. Lets all post our favorite pictures of trout:D Here is mine:
  2. Brookie

    Bear on my kill site.

    Has anyone ever had issues with black bears getting into your kills? While I have seen bears many times while elk hunting in Colorado, I have only had one negative encounter over the years. I shot a bull late in the afternoon a long way from the truck. After gutting and skinning the bull and...
  3. Brookie

    What is your biggest freshwater fish?

    Post your biggest fish ever caught in fresh water. Here is mine: lake sturgeon from the Rainy river on the Minnesota/Canada border. This fish was 57 inches long. [/URL][/IMG]
  4. Brookie

    Big Fin! Hello from your old stomping grounds.

    Greetings Mr. Fin from northern Minnesota! I just found your forums and I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Sean Moran and I believe that we have some mutual friends from the Big Falls area. I have been hunting elk with Jim and Joe Treat since I was 12. If I remember correctly you had Joe...