Recent content by Irish52084

  1. I

    Daughters first Western hunt

    That's awesome, I can't think of a better place to celebrate a birthday than on a mountain chasing elk. Good Luck!
  2. I

    When to stop deer hunting?

    I'll go until I can't go anymore and then I'll go one last time. Or so I hope.
  3. I

    Barnes copper bullets?

    180 grain ttsx at maybe 50 yards on a whitetail doe, this was the exit wound. Granted this is out of a 300 win so it was a bit excessive. I'm a fan of their bullets because I feel like they are the most reliable expanding bullets I've used.
  4. I

    Nice NC Buck

    That's an awesome buck! All sorts of character in the rack
  5. I

    Road trip advice

    I've traveled across the country and back with a 2 year old and a 6 year old so I know how to make a long trip more pleasant. lol Spit the drive time up about every 3 hours and don't be afraid to stop often to grab a snack/drink, use the bathroom or just look at some roadside attraction for a...
  6. I

    Muleys, my next step

    I'd suggest Wyoming since you already have a point and you've been there to hunt antelope. Put a premium unit as your first choice and for your second pick a unit with decent draw odds and if you don't draw the 1st choice you'll probably still be hunting mule deer in Wyoming and I can think of...
  7. I

    Mule deer terrain question

    Whatever one has fewer roads and hunting pressure! Mule deer seem to use timber and open country well and they seem less picky about it than whitetail, at least in Washington.
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    I love seeing bucks like those 2. That 4x7 is one I couldn't pass up, I love a non-typical buck! Good work and congratulations!
  9. I

    Tips on taking youth hunting

    Keep it fun and try to take any pressure out of it. There's lots of stuff to learn especially for a first hunt. I think you've got the most important parts down, safety is always #1. Its always nice to see people getting new hunters into the field. I was lucky enough to have some really good...
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    Region 7 mule doe tags

    Not being a Montana resident I feel a little strange commenting on this issue, but I'm going to do it anyway. As it has been explained to me the increase in mule deer doe tags is done to help plateau the mule deer population while allowing more hunting opportunity. I know the winters did a...
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    Dad got an elk!

    Nice! I can't wait to tag my first elk. I love elk meat!
  12. I

    Beyond WY

    I'd probably try to get points in New Mexico. Montana is another option with decent draw odds.
  13. I

    Bored with MN whitetail tree stands

    With 3 years to plan and build points, I would think Wyoming and Colorado might be good options. Montana has pretty good draw odds for region 7, but you could build points for more "trophy" areas if that's what you're looking for. I would probably put Wyoming at the top of the list and then try...
  14. I

    Finicky Tikka

    It's gotta be a mechanical issue. I'd check the action screws, bases, rings, stock flexing and touching barrel and the crown. If those all check out, I'd call tikka and send it back, maybe you just got a lemon, it happens to every manufacturer.
  15. I

    Mayweather - McGregor fight

    This is just a spectacle to me. It's going to make them both a ton of money and honestly I think they should get as money as they can. I really hope that Mcgregor can get extraordinarily lucky and do something to make this fight interesting, but Mayweather is one of the best boxers of all time...

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