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Recent content by echo7

  1. echo7

    The new sportsmans channel

    The New Sportsmans Channel is magnificent. Great lineup of shows, much better quality and production. I have viewed about two weeks now and have seen the huge improvement being done by SC. The addition of OYOA and Fin getting his earned rewards and recognition was a huge move and the new shows...
  2. echo7

    Montana Trapping 3rd Degree (important)

    It will take a marketing/public relations sweep of all sportsmen and women to thwart this move. They use lies, misinformation, hate and damage to life and limb to push their agendas. They normally focus on non-outdoors people to gain their signatures and votes filling them with the...
  3. echo7

    Montana Trapping 3rd Degree (important)

    There is a way to defeat. I will be hounding the elections people in Helena to closely look at all the petition signatures, and before it hits a ballot try to defeat by that process. Then the best avenue is a campaign by all of us to get our clubs and organizations together to bring every...
  4. echo7

    Sportsman Channel show promo

    What makes OYOA different from the rest Just saw a show on Sportsmans where Fin takes a good friend. The entire show was produced like a real hunt it was. No comedic events, and that made it tense all the way to the end. The interaction between Fin and the friend was priceless, They got the...
  5. echo7

    DIY Kodiak BB Hunt

    Rehersal Calvin..your description and pics just show how exciting your hunt was. and..think of it as a rehersal for your upcoming trips? At your age you have lots ot time to top that one. Congratulations.
  6. echo7

    Montana Trapping 3rd Degree (important)

    Got a call tonight for a survey..nice girl, very well versed in doing surveys. The Survey: A REFERENDUM ON THE NOVEMBER BALLOT TO OUTLAW TRAPPING ON MONTANA PUBLIC LANDS. Questions; 60 in number, answers multiple choice..highly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, highly disagree. The...
  7. echo7

    Leaked photo of UBL's sea interment

    It' 40 this day and age..good luck?
  8. echo7

    Wolf extremists file suit to stop delisting!

    Don't get mad. get even. We Montanan's get 250 howlers this season. Take one and send pics to their website with a smile on your face. Drives em nuts.
  9. echo7

    Fun, Miscellaneous Pictures

    Buschy..would hunt with you or walleye with you anytime. When you let the younguns get involved and they show such enthusiasm you can't go wrong. You can see they love to be with Dad showing off the catch. The best to you and happy trails.
  10. echo7

    Sportsman Channel Now Available in HD in Philly with Comcast

    Have to apologize to Lady Sportsman. First impressions of mine on the Sportsmand Channel were not that glowing. However, I put my tongue in front of my eye teeth and could not think before speaking. After a few Pigman shows and thoroughly enthralled with this man and his hunting quests. Also in...
  11. echo7

    Judging bears?

    Ears.. The spacing of the ears on the top of the Bears head. If close together, probably a small or yearling. If the ears are further apart it's a good bear. If the ears are pointing out the side of the top of the head it could be a 6 1/2 or 7 footer. As for sow or boar..never had much luck...
  12. echo7

    BAYED - Official Thread

    I am a little confused? or alot confused? The forum uses acronyms ID: BARP, okay I got that with an explanation. But, what was the big prize? Hope I don't get thrown off the forum, but seems like it's a closed circuit of good old boys who want to keep we fans of the program in the dark alot...
  13. echo7

    Sportsman Channel now available in NY/NJ area with Cablevision!

    Just talked to the Bresnan (old) Cablevision (take over) yesterday and he said they will be offering new HD channels in near cost I am hoping they include Sportsmans? We get it now here in Montana on #416.
  14. echo7

    BAYED - Official Thread

    Real hunters, Real sponsors, Real Outdoor show...and prizes from sponsors that are truely Outdoors people. We get caught in Montana spreading Swamp Donkey and we go to jail, but we still get some really trophy animals OYOA goes after sponsors that just want to sell a product that anyone who...
  15. echo7

    Welcome Sitka

    Went to the site, quality products for sure. Applauded them for sponsing OYOA. They will indeed get their moneis worth. Great move Randy.
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