Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Suddenly inaccurate rifle?


Dec 23, 2000
So my Model 70 in .300Wby won't shoot worth a darn since I got back from my goat hunt last fall. I've never been a very good shot, but I could always get 1.5" or better groups out of it at 100 yards. I've taken it out a few times now and it won't shoot much better than 2.5"! The scope is a Sightron that I've had on the rifle for about 10 years with no problems.

Everything is tight on the rifle and mounts. I've tried several different kinds of ammo. I did take a hard fall on the goat hunt and whacked the rifle/scope pretty hard on the ground. I'm beginning to wonder if I damaged the scope?

Went out again this morning and shot five 3-shot groups:

First: 2.3"
Second: 2.5"
Third: 2.7"
(Switched ammo)
Fourth: 4.0" :rolleyes:
Fifth: 3.5"

I guess I'm taking my .270 to Wyoming later this week for deer. I'm about to the point of throwing a new scope on the .300 to see if that helps. Any other ideas?
Sounds like a scope problem to me as well. Did the POI change with any sort of consitency? Shoot high, low, right, high, low, right, etc? The broken scope i had would shoot 2-3 decent then would fly one left, then ok, then right, then ok, etc...

Check for presure points between the barrel and stock. It could possibly be the crown, but I doubt it would screw your groups that bad.

When was the last time you cleaned it to bare metal? Copper fouling can screw your groups pretty significantly as well.
+1, I would give it a good cleaning with Wipe-Out, then put a trusted scope on it and give it a try.

I load all my Weatherbys, but have used factory in it before. I don't know if the same loads are still available, but Federal with the TBBC (old style) Nosler Partition and Barnes TSX all gave respectable results.

Also, often times you cannot tell if your bases are loose without removing the scope from the rings. but I think if that was the case, It wouldn't even be shooting as good as it is. but may be worth a try for a simple fix.
oak...since it is grouping but group is growing, Id start with cleaning it REAL good...use a great powder/copper solvent and clean until you have no powder residue or green/blue copper fouling...until the cloth comes out clean. Its amazing how build up can take a great shooter and turn it to a toad.
If that doesnt work at least youll have a clean bore to sight in w/different scope...start cheap and progress from there.
It's probably no good...give it to me.:cool:

Accuracy rectification is especially annoying with today's ammo prices. Bambi's advice sounds right on.
I don't think it's a fouling issue, but I'll give it a good cleaning to make sure. I have a new Leupold sitting in the box here, so I'll just throw that on if the cleaning doesn't rectify the problem.

Thanks for the suggestions.
It was the scope. ;)

Oak, I did about the same thing with my WBY Mark V last year in the same caliber. Replaced the scope, but put new mounts on it as well. Problems all solved.
Well, I'm in the same boat. Gunsmith confirms that my scope is indeed the culprit so now I'm in a scramble to get a replacement fast and get it dialed in at the range before the trip to MT. Bases and rings were just fine so at least I don't have to replace those...
Ah! Nice pic of the results there, Oak!

I was thinking as I reviewed the posts - Gotta be a crosshair sticking issue of some sort. When I sight in - I tap the function unit of the scope to nudge the hairs just in case they got caught up... Had a friend sight w/o and had the same issue as yourself... then it popped into the position designated by his 1/4 clicks... to find himself on the other side of center!

Cheers on the Leupold choice! Outstanding sponsor support as well!

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