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Feral Horses Overgrazing

Mike, You also gave us links to some of the same anti wolf groups that the newspaper came out with an editorial criticizing a few days later as being completely unrealistic and counterproductive.

You and a few others focus on me instead of focusing on the debate. It makes it real easy to beat you.

And you and a few others rarely back up any of your opinions with any factual information or links to information that substantiates what you claim.

All I care about is getting factual, scientific evidence on these topics we discuss. I'd estimate that for every unsubstantiated claim you make I can come up with three or four web sites that refute you. I do it a lot. Makes for a real lopsided score on the debate board.

So then all you can do is resort to the typical rancher tactic of calling names and whining. That's not what wins debates.

Try going back to the beginning of this topic and counting how many links to other sites and information were posted by whom!
Mike- Not only have I read the report I've met Dr. Kay. He's a great guy and a hunter of the most dedicated kind. However, some of his information is outdated and biased. I don't think that paper would stand up to peer review. That being my opinion, he does raise the point to me that the overall impact of the reintroduction and population growth of the wolves must be taken into account. I don't see it as evidence that they need to be eradicated, but that if sportsmen don't push for sensible management they could be seriously hurting the future of hunting.

PS- BTW, thanks for not coming to personal attacks, this can be discussed without I'm not a wolf, but I do howl occassionally!
Thank you 1p
Don't ya think nearly every report ranges from somewhat to totally biased? I think all of us know to also watch who the messenger is on which links get posted and you can almost know what that particular report will say.
We sure went a long ways from a bunch of horses eating themselves outa house and home in Pryors, didn't we?
The goal of science is to be totally objective. This is impossible, just like trying to live like Christ for Christians. But, scientist, like religious people, are always trying to reach that goal and in both circles there is varying degress of 'success'.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Mike, You also gave us links to some of the same anti wolf groups that the newspaper came out with an editorial criticizing a few days later as being completely unrealistic and counterproductive.

I could say the same thing about alot of the links you have posted (natures wolves) that they are totally to the left and are a bunch of greenie wackos.

You have never posted anything factual to prove that the "wackos" as you call them are indeed wackos, nothing except that they differ in viewpoint from you.
and that the editorial page was critical of some of them. big deal!! I would imagine there have been many editorials going the other way.
Now go read the new post I just put up and lets talk about how much livestock is being killed.
"You have never posted anything factual to prove that the "wackos" as you call them are indeed wackos, nothing except that they differ in viewpoint from you. "
Ding Ding Ding Bingo!!!!!!
Good Post Mike.
Don't forget the feral burro! From what little I know about it, many consider them to be more of a problem; at least it's not as un-PC to talk about controlling them. That might be the hugger aspect, though, too. We Americans have an ingrained disgust for harming horses, but few people mind being hard on asses.

Here's a nice greenie look at feral burros: . Note they even support control via firearms, albeit by governmental agencies.
I hear the feral burros have done a number on the desert sheep in certain areas. They pollute and protect the few water sources. Didn't PO Ackley love to use those things to test out his wildcats?
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Well every one has agendas and unless you are a newsman you're not expected to be unbiased, that is why we debate. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Newsmen are probably the most biased of all...LMAO!!!!
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