Caribou Gear

APR Blue Ridge Special Management Area


New member
May 6, 2021
Hey everybody, I have been on here a few times and seem to always get some good advice or at least have some good conversations. I was curious if anybody on here had any experience with hunting the Blue Ridge Special Management Area from the APR. Does anybody have any photos or stories they care to share from their experience hunting elk on the Blue Ridge SMA? Was it a good experience or bad experience and why? Maybe what you liked or did not like and any recommendations for doing so? My brother has never killed a bull and pulled the tag this as well as drew access for three days and am just looking to gather information. He has been working out and preparing for the last 6 months to have a good experience and I am just trying to make sure that is the case. I have spent a ton of time in the breaks but on the South Side but not the North side. I know all about the gumbo and controversy surrounding APR and locals and what not. I am not trying to start any arguments or step on anybody's toes, just trying to gather information about the hunt. Thanks!