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  1. Dubz337

    Great Social Media posts?

    You think if this dude and Cam Hanes ever meet, they'll eventually get married?
  2. Dubz337

    And the lies continue..

    I'm already part Native, anytime I come home emptyhanded I just say I was counting coup hunting, and won.
  3. Dubz337

    And the lies continue..

    Apples and oranges, as the fish is not destroyed while sport fishing. We'd have to hunt with tranqs for it to be a direct comparison.
  4. Dubz337

    WTS: Guns/optics

    Very nice collection, but this belongs in the classifieds dude.
  5. Dubz337

    Extra Stupid Window Stickers

    If its round and has a couple holes, its good enough for my pole
  6. Dubz337

    Extra Stupid Window Stickers

    I'd post the same about your mom, but I'd have to change the footstool to a sectional couch to keep it more true to reality in her case.
  7. Dubz337

    Elk Caliber and Bullet Choice - 2024

    This isn't Ryan Avery, you can tell cause his username isn't 'I AM RYAN AVERY I'M AVERY BIG DEAL'
  8. Dubz337

    Extra Stupid Window Stickers

    Post pics of your sweetheart and I'll give her a rating lol
  9. Dubz337

    Elk Caliber and Bullet Choice - 2024

    Gonna give the Sako Hammerheads a try out of my 7RM first I think. They seem like they would have some knockdown power.
  10. Dubz337

    Extra Stupid Window Stickers

    Do you not like butts?
  11. Dubz337

    What to Declare when travelling to or from Canada?

    Alberta is great about bringing things back and forth, I wouldnt worry too much.
  12. Dubz337

    Extra Stupid Window Stickers

    Damn, girl's got some cake
  13. Dubz337

    And the lies continue..

    Guy is an idiot, I will completely agree, but regs are different in different places. Here in AB it’s wasting the hide you get fined for, you do not have to harvest the meat. I still do, cause bear hams and bear grease are life, but it’s not required by regs.
  14. Dubz337

    Great Social Media posts?

    Asking the important questions over there
  15. Dubz337

    Ban the biscuits and open flames!

    Your house won't run into another house and cause personal and property damage to another individual, paid off or not.
  16. Dubz337

    Muley Freak in trouble?

    Is that a selfie?
  17. Dubz337

    Muley Freak in trouble?

    I don't know if you would enjoy the state that the couch would be in
  18. Dubz337

    Muley Freak in trouble?

    'Rent-free' is the default statement of two-brain-celled sports enthusiasts when talking about players on their team not well liked by other fanbases. I applaud you for committing to it so hard in this instance. So in a thread bashing one hunting influencer for being an idiot, you get your...
  19. Dubz337

    Muley Freak in trouble?

    Found the fanboy lol

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