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  1. E

    Montana HD 455 - Beartooth WMA

    I have a bunch of mt bikes, but just for hunting I really like the fat bikes now. The one in the 1st pic I posted is what I use for hunting now. It has 4.8" tires and is a hard tail and hard fork. You get plenty of suspension from the tires for hunting purposes and pulls a trailer better than a...
  2. E

    Montana HD 455 - Beartooth WMA

  3. E

    Montana HD 455 - Beartooth WMA

    I have used them a lot over the years, but I am also an avid Mt Biker. They are one more thing to break down, so you better have a plan if it does.
  4. E

    Montana HD 455 - Beartooth WMA

    Correct, no motor vehicles. And you can not camp in the WMA other than the one designated spot. It is not a day hunt on foot area. You will spend too much time and energy just trying to get back to the elk and then hours walking out.
  5. E

    Montana HD 455 - Beartooth WMA

    455 is not really a unit you can effectively hunt on foot, especially during the archery season. You're looking at many miles just to get back where the elk will start then you have to hunt UP from there. Can be done on a bike to at least get back to where you can start hunting, but trust me...
  6. E

    Colorado Unit 49

    If more guys would learn this(how to actually elk hunt) and stop trying to learn to elk hunt off youtube, they'd really up their success, kill bigger bulls and the elk woods would be a much better place ;) Glad to hear you figured out one of the secrets.
  7. E

    WY GEN elk pics

    Here's one.
  8. E

    Wyoming Unit 7

    I got an email from WY about input for Unit 7 going to General next year. Thoughts on that? Seems like it be a real shit show, at least for a while.
  9. E

    What to do with 8 Wyoming elk points?

    Yeah I get it. My 20 year old son has 9 points, but he just has not had the time yet. Now he's in a place where I don't like any of his options under 10-11. I'm hoping the special increase goes thru and I can buy him one good WY tag in his life. I have hunted WY 8 times for bulls over the last...
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    What to do with 8 Wyoming elk points?

    A guy with 8 should have already burned them 2-3 times on general tags! Truth.
  11. E

    What to do with 8 Wyoming elk points?

    Honestly you guys are overthinking a very simple math problem. A limited supply of NR tags and an ever growing demand. Every draw system has its pluses and minuses, but in the end there are just more people vying for the supply. I personally like bonus points, but even those draws like Nev. have...
  12. E

    2022 MT Mule Deer Hunt

    Not to be a smart ass, but I guess you inserted "rut" into what I actually said. "Hopefully the weather next week will bring them out." I don't clame to be a great deer hunter, but pretty sure temps close to 0 deg will have the deer on their feet and moving more during the day. I could be...
  13. E

    2022 MT Mule Deer Hunt

    Just spent the last week in the breaks. Lots of little bucks running around the first week of the season, but no big bucks. Then with the pressure they kinda dissapeared and there was no sign of the rut starting to bring the bucks back out of hiding. Hopefully the weather next week will bring...
  14. E

    Wyoming General Elk - Have to start my hunt a week into the season… Any tips?

    Looks like it's going to get colder, but not really seeing much moisture in any of the forcasts. I will be hunting a unit that opens tomorrow, but after that probabaly headed back up around Dubois for the remainder of the season(if I don't get one this weekend) and ws hoping for some snow to...
  15. E

    Wyoming elk hunt recap

    Seeing a lot of the same in WY. All last week I was into bulls that were solo and back in their hidy holes. They are still bugling, but not a cow in sight. I spent the week of the 11-17th antelope hunting with my dad thinking it would be prime after and now feels like I missed something. From...
  16. E

    Wyoming Elk with my Old Man

    65 he's still young. Don't underestimate what he might want to do. In a couple weeks my dad who is 75 and I will be 6 miles deep in the WY backcountry for 2 weeks. I did get two llamas this year to help get him in and his elk out, but at 65 we were packing multiple mature bulls a year out of...
  17. E

    New Mexico Unit 34 Elk Questions

    Some amatuer video of my hunt.
  18. E

    New Mexico Unit 34 Elk Questions

    Thanks. I was happy with him afterwards and score wise was much better than he looked because of being a 7x7 with good tine length. As said this was the first 30 mins of my hunt with a week left in the season and he was narrow and short main beams. Just was not visually what I was looking for at...
  19. E

    New Mexico Unit 34 Elk Questions

    You'll have fun. Just a matter if you want to shoot the first 30 5pts/small 6pts or hold out for something better. My guess is 98% of guys shoot one of the 1st 30 bulls they see.
  20. E

    New Mexico Unit 34 Elk Questions

    I stalked into a saddle right before he got there. He came in front first and was really narrow. I told myself there is no way I'm shooting that bull. I was dead set on 340+. Then he turned and walked by me at 40 yards and I saw he was a 7X but I was unsure if I really wanted to shoot him. As he...
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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