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  1. Nameless Range

    Pyramid Lumber in Seeley Lake, MT Closing

    Saw this today, and it is a real bummer. From the article: “As everyone at Pyramid knows, the company has been hit very hard by a variety of circumstances that are outside of its control,” the company said in a statement. “Among other...
  2. Nameless Range

    What is your favorite mobile weather application?

    I suppose the answer to this might be different coming from different folks. I could imagine an app being more regionally predictive in some places than others, or folks valuing the user interface of an app vs another. The accuracy of different weather-predictors is something I have entertained...
  3. Nameless Range

    What The Hell is Science-Based Management?

    I did Google it. Just stream-of-consciousness while the kids eat breakfast this morning.... A discussion around wolf hunting the other day, and the fact that I purchase a wolf tag every year, brought forth a rejoinder from someone who doesn’t that they don’t do so because they believe in...
  4. Nameless Range

    Did you shoot your first deer with open sights?

    I got together with my father last night to do some reloading, and we were discussing my oldest son (9), being able to hunt deer in the youth hunt next year. He’s a left-eyed shooter, so I was pondering investing in a rifle for him. As I was voicing options, my dad kind of shook his head and...
  5. Nameless Range

    Mule Deer Meat Opinions - A Poll

    On a recent thread about mule deer, there was a disagreement about mule deer as table fare. To be clear, I think taste is subjective, but in a population of preferences will also likely represent a semi-normal distribution. There’s no wrong answers here. The options above follow those often...
  6. Nameless Range

    Spooked and Humbled

    This afternoon I decided to go look for a whitetail in a few hundred acres of muck and beaver dams. I ended up having what was the most intense moment of my hunting life. I got to the spot at 2, and had a doctor’s appointment at 5 o’clock this evening. I figured I would wander around in the...
  7. Nameless Range

    Montana corner crossing (ish?)

    This seems to be sort of sloppy and separate compared to the Wyoming Case...
  8. Nameless Range

    Crops and their Contents

    So far in 2023 I have hiked and hunted the least amount I have ever hunted as an adult. Work, extracurriculars, kids and their sports, things....everything seems to be escalating. That said, last night I was on the hook to get Thing 3 to Soccer and Thing 1 to volleyball. Thing 3's coaches came...
  9. Nameless Range

    Tough time to be a game warden in Montana?
  10. Nameless Range

    Hunt Quietly Podcast 84: Q & A

    It’s tough to spend such beautiful Montana weekend out of the hills, but this is my last weekend of call for work for the season, so I did chores around the house and listened to this podcast episode this morning. I know Matt Rinella and his perspective has...
  11. Nameless Range

    Critters in Weird Places

    I feel like this discussion has happened before, but I couldn’t find it. I’m curious about others’ observations of species of animals where they typically are not – pioneers of their kind. Of course, all populations that got to where they are naturally, got there via the wandering souls of their...
  12. Nameless Range

    Folks in SW Montana Looking to Do Something (B-D RAC)

    The Beaverhead Deerlodge (B-D) National Forest is looking for Resource Advisory Committee members. The B-D is one of Montana's most heavily utilized NFs, and is also one with a future that will be dependent on the participation of citizens. Most of it currently has no travel management, but they...
  13. Nameless Range

    The Fallacy of “Spreading Out The Use” in Land Management

    This is not about hunting – necessarily – though there may be some throughlines. This about trails. It’s intuitive- there’s a thing(X) existing in an area or volume (Y). X/Y. If we double the area/volume of Y, X/2Y, the proportion of the numerator to the denominator will be half of what it...
  14. Nameless Range

    Friday Music - As good or better than the original: Covers

    My boys are in to videos of these instruments and I think they are kind of hilarious.
  15. Nameless Range

    Elk Objectives by District and EMU – Elk/Sq Mile

    I was lying in bed the other day thinking about the new Elk Management Plan, how much hinges on it, and what it will look like. Based on some of the questions I heard asked in the meetings I attended, the individual hired to write it, and the near-unanimous position of hunters in Montana on the...
  16. Nameless Range

    Law Enforcement on Public Lands

    When it comes to the public lands experience and stewardship of our public lands, we more than often talk about forest/range health – the projects going on out there, the conifer encroachment, the fuels reductions. We’ll discuss road densities, travel plans, trails, etc. Often times, it is those...
  17. Nameless Range

    The Future of “Big 3” Hunting in Montana.

    I don’t use any of the hunting applications strategy apps or resources, so forgive me if they’ve already done this. In fact, anyone who has already done this has likely done it better. FWP has a resource for downloading the historic draw stats of yesteryear – found here. It goes back as far as...
  18. Nameless Range

    Going to HuntTalk for Legal(?) Advice about a Property I own

    Yes. Grain of salt. Yes, I should probably talk to a professional. Just wondering if I am even thinking reasonably. My brother and I own 20 acres of sagebrush with a cabin on it. A family friend has asked if she can put a 12 x 14 shed on a corner of it to store some gear and a cot for the times...
  19. Nameless Range

    The New Cam Hanes Flick

    OK, so after the razzing in the Social Media Thread, I got curious and gave it an hour of my life. The new Cam Hanes Flick. Seriously, I can be charitable. What hunting is to me may not be what it is to others. Some people take things way more serious - get way more into them. I tried to go...
  20. Nameless Range

    What Has Montana's Stream Access Law Meant To You?

    Montana’s Stream Access is popular here. Allusions at its attack, or outright attempts to erode it, fire folks up like little else. It’s interesting how things that don’t exist for a long time can come to fruition and become a core value to an entire demographic of recreationists. Things like...

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