Yeti GOBOX Collection

Recent content by Nick87

  1. Nick87

    Tipping Hammers

    243 RUM just has a sweet ring to it.
  2. Nick87

    Tipping Hammers

    I would be on board for that.
  3. Nick87

    Leupold and Nikon Scopes

    My money goes to the same place as you...well we're past strollers but ya know power wheels and such.
  4. Nick87

    Shank it? or Crank it? Only the Billy knows

    Spelled it wrong.
  5. Nick87

    Leupold and Nikon Scopes

    Yah I love leupold but both my muzzleloader and slug gun have a nikon amd I have used them more than any other guns. I should buy this.
  6. Nick87

    Shank it? or Crank it? Only the Billy knows

    Can't wait to see this unfold. I have no doubt you will do this tag justice. Soak it up amd good luck!
  7. Nick87

    Leupold and Nikon Scopes

    Those nikons are actually a lot of scope for the money.
  8. Nick87

    Y'er Freshwater Favorites & Recipes

    They ain't got me yet.
  9. Nick87

    Y'er Freshwater Favorites & Recipes

    They're are so many fish jokes in there I'm not sure what to do.
  10. Nick87

    Y'er Freshwater Favorites & Recipes

    More for me.
  11. Nick87

    Y'er Freshwater Favorites & Recipes

    Easily top 5 for me.
  12. Nick87

    The verdict is in...

    Worse I'm still saving up lol. Almost did it this spring but a shop is gonna be priority. (I think)
  13. Nick87

    Y'er Freshwater Favorites & Recipes

    MMMM no thank you! No phuggin way.
  14. Nick87

    The verdict is in...

    They're going to be awfully disappointed with ALL my money.
  15. Nick87

    2024 Garden!

    Garden is doing well but my peppers have been in for weeks and it's like they're stunted they haven't hardly grown. Gonna have to add a healthy dose of pig shit this fall.

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