Caribou Gear

Recent content by LopeHunter

  1. LopeHunter

    School Me on Hunting In Grizz Country

    Spent 10 or so days solo in grizzly country when they were active. Saw sign including steaming scat about 50 paces from my tent one morning as was hiking in the dark to up the ridge to glass at first light. I decided before the hunt that I did not want to carry the extra weight of a handgun as I...
  2. LopeHunter

    Well, it's not good. Not religious but prayers are welcomed.

    Prayers sent. I will echo you should strongly consider reaching out for help from people who have been a part of this journey before as they are special and know the answers to questions you may not even know to ask.
  3. LopeHunter

    New Mexico Privatization. Nuthin like it

    Is this just NM residents opining? I wonder how NM hunters would feel if CO says no cow elk tags for NM hunters, can’t hunt certain state lands in CO as a NR and sliced bull elk tags for non-guided NR by 70%?
  4. LopeHunter

    Steve! (Martin) Documentary

    Roy Clark was very versatile as well in the instruments he could play exceptionally well, the variety of music genres he could play, he could sing a bit and he entertained between songs in concert and also on Hee Haw as a host. I feel Steve Martin is in that league where does a lot quite well in...
  5. LopeHunter

    New member from Missouri

    Welcome and I always suggest going on a guided hunt when is the first time hunting a species. Pronghorn is easier than whitetail hunting, IMHO. Mule Deer is tougher depending on the terrain and hunting pressure. Elk is a lot tougher IMHO. I prefer pronghorn hunting as I have never had to spend...
  6. LopeHunter

    Statistics for differentiating between groups?

    Had a lot of statistics in college and a bit in grad school. Loved most of it and used quite a bit during my decades interacting with people that were not very good at even basic math. I made a bit of money using statistics though sometimes being right does not mean you win the day as the herd...
  7. LopeHunter

    2024 Colorado Draw Results Thread

    Have eaten beaver, muskrat, raccoon and possum. Raccoon gets my nod. Beaver was a bit "sweet" to me but would eat again. We ran traplines and would cook up a few critters each winter rather than just keep the hide to sell for cash to one of the two fur buyers that would visit town a few times...
  8. LopeHunter

    Airport Executive Raided and Killed By Feds

    6 of 150, if true, being used relatively quickly in criminal activitymakes me glad this guy is not flipping guns in my community. Also tells me not everyone should be a frequent gun seller.
  9. LopeHunter

    The End

    I can't support anyone so weak as to not immediately deploy LEO in force to evacuate all unauthorized persons from a government building on the day the election is being formally rubber-stamped. How does anyone gloss over the attacks on LEO that day and then claim they are for law and order and...
  10. LopeHunter

    "Killing Animals Helped Me Make Peace With Death" by Nicole Qualtieri

    None of us get out of here alive. Some of us never do much more than work, eat and sleep with hardly anyone thinking of us even a year after we pass. Others will be remembered by a couple of generations before fading into obscurity and that can be said that is when you are truly dead...when no...
  11. LopeHunter

    Pyramid Lumber in Seeley Lake, MT Closing

    Just listened to the song. Thanks for the recommendation. Springsteen's My Hometown. Paul Simon's My Little Town. Cut deep as drive around the old hometown. Both of my childhood homes are still standing and as I drive by them I hear Lambert's The House that Built Me.
  12. LopeHunter

    Pyramid Lumber in Seeley Lake, MT Closing

    I grew up in the Midwest with our town of 5,000 the largest in any direction for 15 miles and the county seat of our county that had 13,000 total. The cookie factory closed, the frozen food factory closed, farming took more acres to support the newer equipment that saved labor so fewer farmers...
  13. LopeHunter

    Who panics and presses that little orange button the most?

    Long story. I was hunting where could park on a dirt road and hike for an hour or two without crossing another road. Portable GPS ate pricy batteries for lunch so I marked the SUV, turned off the GPS for the next 8 hours then as lost light for the day I turned on the GPS. Was 40 minutes from the...
  14. LopeHunter

    Who panics and presses that little orange button the most?

    I thought was free in CO if had a hunting license for the current year.
  15. LopeHunter

    Hunter attacked by dogs.

    Indeed though some parents hand 16 year olds a fast car so I let Darwin do his thing. Unfortunately, the people harmed and killed when Junior loses control of the car or Fido chews up a neighbor don’t get a vote on the decision that then alters their family forever.