Recent content by gouch

  1. G

    Dad Joke thread

    We have two unwritten rules here. Rule #1 ___________________________ Rule #2 ___________________________
  2. G

    Ban the biscuits and open flames!

    When my house burned down and I lost damn near everything I owned, insurance saved my butt. Don't regret a penny of what felt like I was just giving away to the insurance company for damn near 40 years. I wrecked my truck once, and I don't know what I would have done for transportation if...
  3. G

    Someone told me a story

    Yeah, Belushi is a pretty big advocate for the pot industry down here. Ginger Rodgers lived most of her life here. John Wayne owned Morrisin lodge on the Rogue River. Kirsty Alley who died recently had a ranch here. Patric Duffy just sold his ranch last December. Kim Novac live here and of...
  4. G

    Someone told me a story

    The property is about a mile from the Rogue River and has a five-acre bass pond on it.
  5. G

    Neck shots.

    When my oldest daughter was taking hunters ed. I sat in on every class. The instructor, who was very famous and highly respected in the Oregon hunters ed program, Told the kids to never take a neck shot on an elk. He said you might miss the spine and just wound the animal. He was also very...
  6. G

    Someone told me a story

    A lot of actors had or have property in in Sothern Oregon, Including John Wayne. Most of them kept quiet about it so they had a place to go to get away.
  7. G

    Someone told me a story

    Someone close to me came to visit last week. He is going through a divorce and some other nasty legal stuff, and he just wanted to talk. He told me he was going to lease, with option to buy, a house on twenty acres that was basically a private museum once owned by Erro Flinn, now owned by his...
  8. G

    2024 Garden!

    Got corn, zucchini, pumpkins, butternut squash, tomatoes, onions, beets, sun flowers, cucumbers and swiss chard growing in the garden, My peaches are getting bigger cherries are ripening and the strawberries are going crazy
  9. G

    Wildflowers 2024

  10. G

    Wildflowers 2024

    Thank you.
  11. G

    Wildflowers 2024

  12. G

    Would make for a real bad day

    Had a can of insect repellent explode in the work truck. That was bad enough. I have never left any aerosol can in a car since.
  13. G

    Sunday Pic of the Day

    Morning walk photos
  14. G

    Sunday Pic of the Day

    Congratulations to your granddaughter, she ought to be doing great things by the time she is a senior. Fun Fact: If you look up old Oregon state track and field records, you will find my name on the 4x440 state record. A record that has held for 53 years. The fact that they changed the...
  15. G

    Extra Stupid Window Stickers

    Not sure what he is trying say, but you gotta love the old suburban