Recent content by fleabagmatt

  1. fleabagmatt

    2024 Turkey Season!

    The season ends Friday, but I think I am throwing in the towel for the spring season. Other than a couple birds in people's yards I only managed see a single hen in the times I went out. Didn't hear any gobbles at all. I need to find a mentor that is familiar with the part of the state I am...
  2. fleabagmatt

    Catch All Fishing Thread

    It's been almost a year since we've gotten the kayaks out and gone fishing, but we finally made the time. I wasn't expecting much, we went to a nearby pond where we haven't had a ton of luck in the past. I ended up catching a handful of nice, chonky largemouth, with a bonus smallmouth thrown in...
  3. fleabagmatt

    Friday Tunes - worthy of more ears

    Some of these folks have been a part of some moderately successful projects in the past that you may have heard of. Coming together for something new and interesting.
  4. fleabagmatt

    2024 Utah Draw Results

    Big ol' unsuccessful for me again. I'm only applying for a general buck tag and I just cannot wrap my feeble brain around whether I actually have any shot at drawing anything in the areas I've been choosing. I don't care about limited entry stuff, I just want a chance to go down and hunt with my...
  5. fleabagmatt

    Dogs are Hunting Partners - Let's see 'em

    His name is Franklin Goes to Hollywood, but we shoulda named him Doc Holliday. I helped run a NAVHDA natural ability test last weekend. I got to bring Ruby along for the swim portion of the test as a bumper cleanup dog. She put on a show for the pups, that girl loves being in the water.
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