PEAX Equipment

Recent content by el unit

  1. el unit

    Favorite Stillwater Flies?

    Weighted wooley buggers and bunny leeches. Black or olive. Breaking out the boat at a nearby lake today after office work this morning. Can't wait!
  2. el unit

    Sunday Pic of the Day

    Found these near our house recently. Yum!
  3. el unit

    Sunday Pic of the Day

    View from the front porch this morning.
  4. el unit

    Sunday Pic of the Day

    The Chicago. Mr Hot Dogs in Butte. Strongly recommend for gourmet hot dogs and Italian food.
  5. el unit

    Fly Tying/Fishing Thread

    We had a fun float with friends on Friday on a nearby river. We caught browns, rainbows, brookies, and a grayling. Skwala dries, beadhead nymphs, and big streamers. Good to get the boat out for the season.
  6. el unit

    Sunday Pic of the Day

    SW Montana
  7. el unit

    Who here has taken a mountain lion and what rifle or handgun did you use?

    30.06 Sausage from the front quarters, smoked the hind quarters, and the backstraps/tenderloin was excellent.
  8. el unit

    Sunday Pic of the Day

    SW Montana
  9. el unit

    Fly fishing bobbers that stay put?

    Another vote for Thingamabobber.
  10. el unit

    Sunday Pic of the Day

    I've had better luck with steel. I sided a Marriott in 1999 with HB cement board and didn't care for it too much.
  11. el unit

    Sunday Pic of the Day

    In addition to this year's defensible space work on our property, I'm also replacing the 45 year old wooden siding/soffit with new steel. 🔥
  12. el unit

    Fly Tying/Fishing Thread

    After work trout on the Madison River a couple days ago. Green Wooley Bugger.
  13. el unit

    Sunday Pic of the Day

    Local trout corral up the road.